Sunday at Marshdale Was a Zoo - Not in a Good Way

There were many more players at Marshdale Sunday morning for the Advanced time slot than the 25 reservations allowed, which were maxed out. That means a lot of us showed up without reservations. And at least a dozen players were not Advanced-level players.


So what happens when we just show up regardless of reservation or skill level?
1. EPRD loses revenue from Silver Sneakers players who don’t register.
2. No one gets many games in because there are just too damn many paddles down waiting to play on just three courts. (Which is the reason for a limit of 25 players.)
3. True Advanced players lose a third of their time with other equally-skilled players as there are only three Advanced times per week at Marshdale.

If you’re an Intermediate player and look for opportunities to play with better players, sign up for Mixed play. You’ll find several Advanced players at that time who are open to playing with you.

On a more positive note: You may have noticed that there are no times listed on Sign-Up Genius for this Thursday and Friday. Hopefully, that means the courts are closed for repair to the surface. And rumor has it EPRD is planning to paint pickleball lines for two courts on the tennis court. Fingers crossed.


The Pickle Boat: Assorted Odds & Ends


The Pickle Boat: New Odds & Ends