History of Pickleball in Evergreen

The Beginning

Ted Pritchett, the Father of Evergreen Pickleball, starts the sport here in February 2011.

Ted Pritchett, the Father of Evergreen Pickleball, starts the sport here in February 2011.

Ted Pritchett will forever be the father of Evergreen pickleball. He starts the program in February 2011; among the first 20 pickleball programs in Colorado. 

Carmen Fink is one of the first to learn pickleball in Evergreen.

Carmen Fink is one of the first to learn pickleball in Evergreen.

There are three days of play from 9 to noon with two nets in Wulf gym. Players are responsible for setting up and taking down the nets. The first player to show interest is Carmen Fink, with six year-old grandson Russell Taber in tow to help as ball boy.  

Sarah German, Andy Clark and Kathy Fasold are early instructors.

Sarah German, Andy Clark and Kathy Fasold are early instructors.

In the beginning, there isn’t much interest and it appears the program might close. But Ted and Carmen enthusiastically recruit and train players so that by the end of the year they fill the courts every day there is play.  

Many early players are still playing today: Cece, Bell and Deb, Al Buenning, Wayne, Dr. Tom, Marily, Kathy Fasold, Monty Estis, Andy Clark, Good Larry Anderson, Chris Freeman, Jim Fisher, Tom Karas, Larry Flowers, among others. 


Kathy Fasold takes a leadership role when Ted moves to Texas. She starts Skills & Drills, introducing new players to the game on Wednesdays and Fridays. Assisting Kathy is Andy Clark who nurtures many of the players you’re playing with today.  

One of those newbies is Sarah German, who plays her first game with Andy in July 2015. She, like a lot of us, becomes hooked on pickleball the first day. She connects the pickleball community by building an email list, which grows quickly with each new player, and sends the first updates on Evergreen pickleball. 

Ted Pritchett’s return visit to Evergreen in Fall 2015 is reason to celebrate, so the first Pickleball Happy Hour is toasted. Bud Parr plans and leads quarterly socials for the next few years with $5 Burger Night at Keys on the Green among the most popular. 


By early 2016, pickleball is growing quickly in Evergreen and around the country. Wulf has expanded to three courts and a tennis court at Marshdale is shared with four pickleball courts for outdoor play in the summer.  

Tom Karas, right, and his playing partner Dan Schuler

Tom Karas, Evergreen’s first 5.0-rated player and national champion, organizes the “Group of Five” to address growing pickleball issues in Evergreen and the mountain community. Besides Tom are Larry Flowers, Al Buenning, Kathy Fasold, and Sarah German, who becomes the first USA Pickleball Ambassador for Evergreen district in May. 

With the explosive growth of pickleball, there are times we have 20 to 30 paddles down for too few courts. The Gang of Five engages EPRD with requests for more days and hours of play, a fourth court at Wulf, and dedication of the outdoor tennis court at Marshdale to pickleball only. 

Initially, EPRD is not pickleball friendly. Too much growth, too fast means pickleball might be a passing fad among a population of mostly senior adults. Investing in new courts and equipment is a “go-slow” proposition. 

Dr. Tom Hornberger, USA Pickleball Ambassador Great Plains Region, left, and Monty Estis, pickleball’s first advocate on the EPRD Board of Directors.

Dr. Tom Hornberger, USA Pickleball Ambassador Great Plains Region, left, and Monty Estis, pickleball’s first advocate on the EPRD Board of Directors.

The Evergreen Pickleball Club is created to be the voice of the pickleball community and advocate for the game and its facilities. By-laws are created and board members become official in November.

Monty Estis is elected to the EPRD Board of Directors in May,


Wulf expands to four courts thanks to Jack Darnell.

Wulf expands to four courts thanks to Jack Darnell.

In its first year, EPC is able to expand play to seven days a week at Wulf, with dedicated times for Advanced, Intermediate, Beginner, Mixed and Social play.

By May, Jack Darnell design-engineers four courts in the Wulf gym, orienting all the courts north to south, and leads EPRD staff and EPC volunteers in laying down tape for each court

The first EPC Round Robin is held in June at Marshdale with nearly 100 EPC members competing in four skill-level groups.

Kathy Fasold launches Ladder for local, competitive play on Thursday mornings. Skills & Drills continues to successfully introduce new players and improve abilities with Sarah and Dr. Tom instructing and all four courts at capacity. EPRD offers the first intro-to-pickleball classes, again with Sarah as instructor.

By the end of its first, full year EPC has 111 paid members.


July 2018 is a blowout celebration at our 2nd Annual EPC Round Robin to dedicate four outdoor courts at Marshdale. With a new outdoor court surface, newly-painted pickleball lines and permanent nets, the dedicated pickleball courts are the culmination of two years of EPC Board encouraging EPRD to invest in pickleball and its players.

New, dedicated courts at Marshale.

To support EPRD in its bond and levy issues, Jack Darnell represents EPC on the Citizens Task Force assigned with recommending priority projects for the proposed $23 million bond. Among the projects is a new gym at Buchanan that would house four new indoor courts to help serve pickleball players in North Evergreen and ease pressure on the courts at Wulf, especially in winter. Bob Taber serves on the People for Parks & Rec committee to market and promote Issues 6C & 6D. Unfortunately, they fail to pass by a few hundred votes out of 10,000 cast.

More than 30 new paddles are donated to Evergreen High School’s PE program in Oct. 2018.

More than 30 new paddles are donated to Evergreen High School’s PE program in Oct. 2018.

Russell Taber, now a freshman at Evergreen High School, is encouraged that his new phys. ed. teacher plans to introduce pickleball as part of his Team Sports class. EPC steps up to fundraise for new paddles. Within two weeks EPC members donate more than 30 new paddles; more than $1,000 in value. Each paddle carries a personal message from its donor to all future high school students who will play pickleball for the first time.

Women’s Doubles is introduced on Tuesday mornings to much acclaim. Several interest groups spin off to offer pickleball players more activities, including bowling, golf, e-bike riding, poker, skiing and fly-fishing. We’re not just a one-trick pony.

At the Fall Social more than 80 members attending see the first EPC logo’d shirts and hats. You can order EPC logo merchandise here.

2018 has 115 paid members.


Pickleball in Evergreen continues to grow with more than 200 players this year. Our courts, especially indoor, are bursting at the seams. The first online survey among Evergreen players reports “increased play times/days” and “more courts” are most needed. It isn’t uncommon to see all four courts occupied with more than 30 paddles down, waiting to play, on any given Sunday.

Skills & Drills explodes with Sarah, Tom and Andy regularly running more than 40 aspiring players through skill-improving drills. Sarah’s EPRD Beginners class regularly fills up for both Level I and II sessions this year.

EPC adds a Fall Round Robin to the Spring Round Robin to accommodate the growing interest in competitive events. Ladders ends the year with 28 regular players.

To serve the expanding pickleball community, EPC launches its first website, evergreenpickleball.club. Within a few weeks it was the #3 response on Google search for “Evergreen pickleball", behind only EPRD’s pickleball pages. By the end of the year, 1,932 unique visitors will have visited the site.

Evergreen’s reputation as a welcoming, fun, competitive and beautiful place to play pickleball is heard from dozens of players from around the country who visit us this summer. From Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee, Illinois, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, Oregon, and California they come to play at 7,220 ft. in the Rockies.

Colorado Open medalists: Randy Watson, David Smith, Lynne Yockey and Owen Ellis joined Linda Strauss, Andrew Stevens and Richard Lehman.

Colorado Open medalists: Randy Watson, David Smith, Lynne Yockey and Owen Ellis joined Linda Strauss, Andrew Stevens and Richard Lehman.

Among the 470 competitors from 17 states at the Colorado Open Pickleball Tournament, Evergreen produces more than its share of medalists, including Linda Strauss, Owen Ellis, Lynne Yockey, Andrew Stevens, Randy Watson, David Smith and Richard Lehman.

Russell Taber and his playing partner, Chase Thompson, win the inaugural Evergreen High School Pickleball Tournament.

Russell Taber, right, and Chase Thomson: 2019 EHS pickleball champs!

Russell Taber, right, and Chase Thomson: 2019 EHS pickleball champs!

The first pro player to bring a skills clinic to Evergreen, Laura Fenton Kovanda, four-time US Open Champion, hosts a couple weeks of instruction for intermediate and advanced players at Marshdale this summer.

Members of EPC donate more than 350 pounds of food and personal care items to EChO during the Holiday Social.

At the year-end Annual Meeting, the EPC Board passes new by-laws and the first EPC Code of Conduct.

EPC ends 2019 with 147 paid members.


We’re off to a fast start to 2020 as Sunday pickleball play at Wulf is bursting at the seams with players - new and old. Sixty members attend the first 2020 social at the Wild Game in February. We welcome Evergreen High School P.E. teacher Beau Brake and his students to play with us as the USAPA awards a $300 High School Grant to EPC. With our matching funds we provide EHS three new nets and a couple dozen balls. As Spring approaches, we’re eagerly anticipating the summer’s tournaments by launching the Tournaments page on the website.

Then it turns bizarre. Surreal. Silent. COVID-19 forever marks this year as one like no other. Monday, March 16 EPRD closes Wulf. Thursday, March 18 EPRD closes Marshdale. Monday, March 23 USAPA advises players to stop all play. Pretty much the entire country goes on lockdown. Strange days, indeed.

Monty Estis and Don Rosenthal sweep EPRD elections.

Monty Estis and Don Rosenthal sweep EPRD elections.

In May EPC members Monty Estis, incumbent, and Don Rosenthal are elected EPRD board members. Monty and Don receive the most votes of the five candidates - nearly double the next closest candidate. The pickleball community brings to bear its collective influence.

John Claus and Al Buenning dedicate courts at EMS.

John Claus and Al Buenning dedicate courts at EMS.

Two months to the day after closing, Marshdale Courts re-open by reservation only with no more than 20 players. Open Play resumes a month later in June, limited to 25 players. To relieve the pressure on Marshdale, Al Buenning and John Claus lead other EPC members in crafting four courts at Evergreen Middle School. With a little green paint, white masking tape and four new nets, EPC ushers in the not-totally-legal “Renegade Pickleball.”

The pandemic keeps many of us close to home caring for loved ones and each other. Sarah German steps down as Evergreen’s first USAPA Ambassador. Kathy Fasold picks up the baton as she continues to lead Ladders while introducing the new Mentors program through EPRD.

Over two days in September, 56 members compete in the EPC Fall Round Robin at Marshdale. Winners are Jarrod Leddy, Don Rosenthal, Karen Parr, Denise Van Peursem, Steve Sparer, Cherie Peterson, and Brenn Lea Pearson.

Debbie Marshall, Andy Clark and Don Marshall mask-up for indoor play at Wulf.

Debbie Marshall, Andy Clark and Don Marshall mask-up for indoor play at Wulf.

In October Bob and Russell Taber, Sarah German, Al Buenning, John Claus and Warren Zimmer introduce pickleball to 75 members of Hiwan Golf Club on its new, state-of-the-art courts.

Indoor play at Wulf opens to registration-only play nearly eight months after closing last spring. Don and Debbie Marshall and Andy Clark are the first to venture inside to play. Within a month it’s closed again due to the second wave of COVID cases in the state and throughout the U.S. Playing with masks is a challenge for everyone, impossible for many. We move outdoors to Marshdale and EMS, even in sub-freezing temps. Throughout November and December we grab our paddles on any day that the courts are cleared of snow. Wind and cold and COVID, be damned.

As we end 2020, a new vaccine gives us hope for the new year. EPC, in spite of the decimation of pickleball play, ends the year with 158 members.


We’re under another near lockdown as the winter resurgence reminds us COVID is not going away any time soon in spite of the newly available vaccine. A myriad of protocols – only players from the same household on one side of the court, only 10, then 16 then 25 players on courts at Marshdale, required reservations and masks mandated, then optional – keep us guessing as to what precautions must be followed this week. As a result we’re playing outdoors in just about any kind of weather thanks to The Snow Angels who volunteer to safely broom, mop and blow snow from Marshdale courts. Slowly, Wulf re-opens to play by skill level, and Marshdale opens to four courts. Skills & Drills makes its indoor return, albeit briefly.

Hiwan taps Tom Karas as pickleball pro. Tom and his wife, Sue, live in the Phoenix desert but were long-time Evergreen residents. “We’re looking forward to playing pickleball in Evergreen again,” Tom says. “You can’t beat the summer in the mountains for playing pickleball all day and into the evening.”

Making reservations goes online making it easier than calling or emailing EPRD employee Krista Emrich. Plus we can see which of our friends are going to play that day, an unexpected benefit.

Spring lets loose a flood of new and returning players itching to get outside to play. Tension between pickleball and tennis players crackles when the sheer number of “loud, laughing” pickleball players takes over the courts. In April and May there are 535 pickleball reservations. Tennis reservations? A total of 17. By mid-August, with a donation from EPC, EPRD adds lines for four pickleball courts on the east tennis court, giving us eight courts at Marshdale for the first time. On opening day more than 65 players crowd the courts.

Forty EPC members compete in the Inaugural Dinkeroo Tournament May 26. A rain-shortened Round Robin Tournament hosts 48 players on June 28. Gig Blitz sponsors the Inaugural Mixed Doubles Tournament Aug. 17 with 24 couples playing in a bracket format.

Outgoing EPC president Al Buenning organizes a group of North Evergreen volunteers to refurbish three courts at EMS.

Friday Evening Play & Stay gathers a fun group for paddles and picnic baskets. Our September 5th Anniversary Social at the Wild Game is the only social event we can get in given pandemic restrictions limiting crowd size. Allison and Pete Weber brought us Evergreen’s first pickleball baby, Charlie.

By Fall, we are spinning from the on-again, off-again COVID protocols: proof of vaccination, then no; no masks, then masks; no holiday gala this year and the second annual member meeting is held virtually.

On the EPC Board of Directors: John Dunlop, Jeri Herskovits and John Russell fill mid-term vacancies. Linda Jacobsen takes over as USA Pickleball Ambassador following Kathy Fasold’s resignation. Elected at the annual meeting are Pat Bixenman, Sarah German and Jim Hunsaker.

Al Buenning steps down as EPC president after six years; the only chief officer EPC has had. His hard work, leadership and executive talent has created an amazing pickleball community here in Evergreen.

We end the year with 195 members wondering when the uncertainty will be over and how will our lives be different.


Pent up pandemic players flock to the courts in unprecedented numbers indoors and out as the last of the mask requirements at Wulf is dropped. 

EPC Challenge Court & Picnic

It’s the Snow Angels, under the direction of captain Monte Poague, who bring out the brooms and keep Marshdale courts open through the long winter. To keep them armed and dangerous, EPC shares with EPRD the cost of two new, specially-equipped snow shovels.

Gig Blitz and Robin Stahnke host the National Pickleball Month Spring Fling in April at El Rancho. Despite a COVID outbreak among Ladder players and a spring snowstorm keeping many of us away, about 60 players turn out. The number of new faces foretells the year’s explosive growth in new players.

Also in celebration of National Pickleball Month, 50+ players have a blast at the first EPC Challenge Court & Picnic. Sarah German, EPC vice president, reports: “Totally fun day! All the credit for the success of the event goes to Linda Jacobsen, USA Pickleball Ambassador. Her never-ending enthusiasm brings fresh ideas, along with raising the bar high on the fun factor meter.”

EPC Paddles for Ukraine

EPC expands its reach around the world as Diane and Dale Jeffries, visiting family in Germany, connect with a group of Ukrainian refugees at a local sports gym learning to play pickleball. Diane writes, “There were men, women and children playing. They spoke very little German (or English), but it didn’t get in the way of their running, laughing and enjoying themselves. Pickleball is giving them a sense of normalcy, community and providing a healthy outlet, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. It was very heartwarming to see.” They needed paddles and balls. EPC members rallied to raise $1,400 for 35 new paddles and a couple dozen balls shipped to Germany.

Round Robin volunteers (clockwise from top) Lindy Gorscurth, Jeri Herskovits, Jerry Beth Owen and Sally Griggs.

Pickleball singles, “Pingles,” is now a thing at Marshdale thanks to Linda’s never-ending energy.

The 6th Annual Round Robin introduces a new format. Players from Golden, Boulder, Denver, Texas and Australia participate. Special guests show up to watch including EPRD’s new executive director Cory Vander Veen, Hiwan pickleball pro Tom Karas with his assistant Sue Karas, former EPC president Al Buenning and several EPC members.

The Friday Pickle ‘n’ Potluck continues this summer and adds entertainment to the evening. The Pickle Pickers feature Din, Charlie, Neil and Gayle at the Marshdale Lounge.

Can you imagine the chaos?! Sarah German, Linda Jacobsen and 20+ EPC volunteers put a couple dozen kid campers through their paces in EPRD’s Summer Kids Camp at Wulf.  Pickleball Magazine features EPC members and their campers in its August issue.

EPC enters the Evergreen Rodeo Parade for the first time thanks to Mike and Karen Morris rolling out their vintage 1960 Chevy Biscayne.

The Pickle Pickers at Fridays’ Pickle n’ Potluck

EPC Mixed Doubles Tournament is the largest ever – 29 teams four brackets. Special thanks to volunteers to keep it running smoothly: Dee Miles, Brian Klepacki, Shirley Price, Meg Leonard, Kolleen Qualls, Lindy Groscurth, Peggy Pearce, Gary Owen, Jim Hunsaker, and Pat Bixenman.

EPC President Bob Taber introduces pickleball and its growth to the new EPRD board of directors. Included is a design for 8 courts at Marshdale to host regional tournaments that could attract 300 to 500 competitors.

Within a week Evergreen pickleball players raise $1,000 for an AED at Marshdale courts. Evergreen Fire Rescue certifies 12 players in CPR/AED training.

Pickleball pros Bill and Nan Muno give 30 EPC members a three-hour clinic at Marshdale prior to the Fall Dinkeroo. Mo Gohlke and Liz Stensing set the record for the longest dink rally – 173 consecutive dinks. It’s Sally Griggs, Claire Roberts, Nikki Baer and Maggie Boyne who go on to win, place and show at the next day’s tournament.

It’s going to be a zoo this winter at Wulf Rec Center. With more than 800 pickleball players now in the mountain foothills Wulf’s four indoor courts won’t easily accommodate players from the 20+ outdoor courts in the foothills. EPC board members Sarah German and Linda Jacobsen worked with EPRD staff to increase play to 36 hours a week, an increase of 10 hours over last year. For the first time, play is sometimes starting at 7 am and often going to 2 or 3 pm.

As we move into late November, the Snow Angels are there to keep the courts clear as we play outdoors on relatively warm, blue sky days.

Jeri Herskovits, EPC Treasurer, and Jerry Beth Owen, EPC board member, present $1,270 to Meaghan Moore, EChO Food Bank Marketing & Events Manager.

Monte Poague and Mick Pearce are appointed to the EPC board of directors to fill the vacancies of Pat Theno and Pat Bixenman. At the annual general membership meeting, Jeri Herskovits, Cherie Peterson and Dr. Jim Mosby are elected to their first full terms on the board.

Our year-end Holiday Gala fundraiser for EChO Food Bank caps off a year of noteworthy contributions.

We are grateful for our generous, caring EPC Members who give so much and help us pursue our purpose of promoting and advocating for pickleball in Evergreen, and indeed, around the world.

EPC ends 2022 with 267 members, up 37% over last year.


The EPC board agrees to expand, given the explosive growth of members, players, facilities and programs. The number of summer tournaments doubles over last year. April’s Spring Fling, hosted by our Coldwell Banker Realtor Gig Blitz, is the biggest event in our history. New and up-to-date website content is added every week, gaining nearly four times the visits of two years ago.

The big story in 2023 is passage of a bond renewal allowing EPRD to make plans for improvements at Marshdale and addition of courts at Buchanan. The good news doesn’t come until October, but hopes for expansion simmer all year.

Pickleball gets almost 35 hours a week of playing time at Wulf to start off 2023, plus an hour for EPRD’s Skills and Drills for Intermediates on Fridays and 1.5 hours on Saturdays for Beginner/Next Steps classes.

The push toward a fall election begins with Evergreen Park and Recreation District staff and board of directors inviting the community to identify facility needs, program offerings and service gaps for the 2023 Strategic Plan. “Input from your community will be crucial to how EPRD serves you in the future,” Cory Vander Veen, EPRD executive director, tells EPC.

Board VP Sarah German and USA Pickleball Ambassador Linda Jacobsen warn that a new virus, Negativity, is running amok. “Do you have any idea how fortunate we are to have a place to play indoors during our frigid, snowbound winter days?” they write. “It’s called Wulf. We are so lucky to have the rec center courts. Instead of complaining about everything, we should be very grateful.”

With Spring Break and its squealing kids campers looming, EPRD revises its Guidelines for Pickleball Play, saying that when the 13th paddle goes down scoring drops from “play to 11, win by two” to “play to 9, win by one.”

EPRD hears from the pickleball community as part of its 2022-2023 Strategic Plan process. As a result, included in the EPRD Online Community Survey are a new indoor pickleball facility and a new gym with courts as two potential projects. It also includes dedicated, resurfaced pickleball courts at Marshdale as a near-term, low-cost choice.

A windsock, pointing the direction the wind’s coming from and its relative strength, is installed at Marshdale by Monte Poague, EPC director of facilities and maintenance. Anyone who has played there knows why.

Advanced and Intermediate pickleball play is added to the Wulf gym schedule on Wednesday evenings.

With 100 RSVPs a week before the May event, the 2nd Annual Spring Fling, hosted by Coldwell Banker Realtor Gig Blitz at Wild Game, is officially sold out.

Evergreen pickleball makes the Canyon Courier’s front page with its donation of 25 paddles to the Evergreen High School recreational sports class. EPC members take on the kids at Wulf to augment their three weeks of instruction at school.

When pickleball players learn Wulf custodian “Ponytail Bob” had fallen and broken some ribs while working on the roof, they donated more than $1,500 in less than a week. The GoFundMe campaign was thoughtfully set up by our USA Pickleball Ambassador, Linda Jacobsen.

Evergreen Pickleball Club launches a “win-win” partnership with Element3 Health, which works with providers such as UnitedHealthcare to help keep its members physically, socially and mentally active in clubs like EPC.

Sixty-plus EPC members create a festive atmosphere on a glittering spring day at Marshdale for the third annual Dinkeroo tournament. Mick Pearce, EPC Tournaments director, led a dozen volunteers in putting together an organized, efficient and fun competition. Six groups of eight players vied for top honors, with only two producing perfect scores: Jeri Herskovits and Barb Perkins.

Players venture onto the courts at Evergreen Middle School after former EPC board president Al Buenning secures permission exclusively for EPC member play until mid-August when school reopens. Al also led the volunteer effort to refurbish the courts.

Mike and Karen Morris lead a group of players, dinking and volleying, along the Evergreen Rodeo Parade route through downtown in their vintage Chevy Biscayne for the second year in a row.

World Team Pickleball Director Laura Fenton Kovanda and three pickleball pros are enthusiastically welcomed to Marshdale by a sold-out group of 32 players. An evening exhibition by the pros is open to all.

Pickle’n’Potluck returns to Marshdale for the summer/fall season. Players show up every Friday with paddles ready to play and plates to share.

EPC members Tim (“Mac” to most local picklers) and Mary McAleer travel to Dublin to play in the Irish Pickleball Open, where more than 350 players battled it out.

EPC-er Kathryn Cook is knighted by St. Baldrick’s Foundation in recognition of her seventh year of having her head shaved to fund childhood cancer research. Kathryn raised $4,000 to reach a seven-year grand total of $20,000. “Jam crackers! I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you all,” Kathryn memorably said.

In July, two groups of eight teams each meet on the courts at Marshdale to determine the best men’s doubles teams in Evergreen. Larry Flowers and Jarrod Leddy reign supreme in Group 1, while Peter Mathis and Joe Gruber fight their way to first in Group 2.

The atmosphere is both competitive and cooperative at Marshdale as 21 women’s teams vie for prizes in three groups of seven two days after the men’s doubles. Binky Thalheimer and Jenny Phelps prevailed in Group 1, with Nicola Baer and Corinne Jackson topping Group 2. Julia Duffy and Susan Dickinsen were the Group 3 winners. Sisters & Company sponsored the event.

With Sarah German retiring after seven years, EPRD seeks instructors for beginning pickleball classes. Corinne Jackson subsequently takes the job.

Forty players compete for fun and prizes at the seventh annual Round Robin tournament at Marshdale. There were winners, among them everyone treated to a fantastic picnic spread prepared by Kathy Kincannon. Also: Roger Persson, Group 1; Erich Meyer, Group 2; Elizabeth Barman (perfect score), Group 3; Nancy Byker, Group 4; Noell Jackson, Group 5.

With Marshdale courts briefly closed for repairs, some people are playing on two roughed-out courts at The Wild Game. The charge for the season is $25. Many from the north side of Evergreen appreciate the chance to play closer to home.

Hot August Night, EPC’s biggest summer event, is kept cool with scattered showers at Marshdale Pavilion. Delicious side dishes abound.

Nearly 50 players and as many spectators turn out on a cool, damp day in late August for the inaugural Geezer Games at Marshdale. Larry Flowers’ brainchild attracts five 70-plus groups and one intrepid 80-plus group. Winners: Bill Black, Group 1; Peter Mathis, Group 2; Meg Leonard, Group 3; Monte Poague, Group 4; Kathy Guldbeck, Group 5; Al Buenning, 80-plus.

The EPC tournament season closes out on a glorious September day with Mixed Doubles at Marshdale. Gig Blitz, Coldwell Banker Realtor, sponsors the event for the third year in a row. Lori Mateer and Jeff Dickenson beat out all comers in Group 1, with Tiffany Venditti and Paul Cook landing atop Group 2. Maureen Gehlhausen and Jim Fischer are Group 3 champs.

The EPC Board has approves a $1,000 donation to support the Evergreen Park and Recreation District in its efforts to convince voters to approve an extension of a mill levy currently set to expire in 2025. The vote is to take place Nov. 7. EPC’s contribution will help purchase materials such as signs and other election marketing tools.

The EPC Halloween Sock Hop at The Wild Game crowns President Bob Taber and Ambassador Linda Jacobsen for best costumes after they channel “Grease.” Jeri Herskovits and Frank Kassay jumped and jived to win the dance contest.

Evergreen overwhelmingly votes to continue a mill levy that was set to expire in 2025. That means EPRD will keep approximately $1.3 million a year for long overdue maintenance, improvement of certain facilities and programs, and a long-term plan to add facilities.

The pickleball community leads the charge with 72% of more than 10,000 in-district voters approving the measure. Major improvements to Marshdale and the addition of courts at Buchanan are on the horizon.

Linda Jacobsen racks up a long list of significant accomplishments during her two years as USA Pickleball Ambassador for the Evergreen area, many mentioned in this history. More free time beckons and she has found a successor and submitted her resignation.

Meanwhile, the EPC board agrees to expand to 11 voting members, given the explosive growth of players, planned facilities and programs. Debbie Marshall, who is taking over the club newsletter, and David Huerta are appointed to fill the two new seats.

EPC members and guests rack up $2,000 in donations to Evergreen Christian Outreach while talking pickleball, family, travel and who knows what else at the Holiday Gala and Benefit. That total far surpassed 2023’s $1,270.

About 25 prizes are raffled off at The Wild Game, with Paddletek club paddles going to Neil Fischer and Nancy Hughes. Jerry Beth Owen is the high bidder for a cool pickleball-themed painting donated by member Tamra Hall.

Three board members are unanimously elected during EPC’s general meeting. John Dunlop and Monte Poague return to the board; Travis Ervick, racquets pro at Mount Vernon Canyon Club, is newly elected at large.

Bob Kerr, current VP, steps in as president for the term-limited Bob Taber. Bob T receives a sometimes emotional tribute from other board members for his six years of dedication to making the club the professional, organized and successful operation it is.

3rd Shot Pickleball opens in Wheat Ridge.

The Icebreaker Games wrap up 2023, marking the first EPRD-sanctioned pickleball event at Wulf outside of drop-in play and classes. Sixty people participate in Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced competitions.

EPC ends 2023 with 265 members, two fewer than at the end of 2022.

2024 Board of

Bob Kerr, President

John Dunlop, Vice President

Cherie Petersen, Secretary & Events

Jeri Herskovits, Treasurer

Debbie Marshall, Newsletter/Information Editor

TBA, USA Pickleball Ambassador

Monte Poague, Facilities & Equipment

Mick Pearce, Tournaments

Jim Mosby, EPC Gear

Jim Hunsaker, Website

Travis Ervick, Development and Inter-Club

Kathy Kincannon - At Large

2023 Board of Directors

Bob Taber, President

Bob Kerr, Vice President

John Dunlop, Secretary/Membership

Jeri Herskovits, Treasurer

Linda Jacobsen, USA Pickleball Ambassador

Monte Poague, Facilities & Equipment

Cherie Peterson, Events

Jim Hunsaker, Website

Mick Pearce, Tournaments

Jim Mosby, EPC Gear

2022 Board of Directors

Bob Taber, President

Sarah German, Vice President, EPRD Liaison

John Dunlop, Secretary/Membership

Jeri Herskovits, Treasurer

Pat Theno, Events

Jerry-Beth Owen, Schedule/EPC Gear

Pat Bixenman, Facilities & Equipment

Jim Hunsaker, Website

Linda Jaobsen, USA Pickleball Ambassador

John Russell

2021 Board of Directors

Al Buenning, President

Bob Taber, Vice President & Marketing

Maureen Gehlhausen, Treasurer

Bonnie Lee, Secretary & Membership

Kathy Fasold, USA Pickleball Ambassador & EPRD Liaison

Pat Theno, Social Director

Jeff Freeman, Interclub Play

Jerry-Beth Owen, Schedule & Merchandising

John Dunlop III


Al Buenning, President

Larry Flowers, Vice President

Maureen Gelhausen, Treasurer

Bonnie Lee, Secretary & Membership

Sarah German/Kathy Fasold, USA Pickleball Ambassador & EPRD Liaison

Bob Taber, Marketing

Pat Theno, Social Director

Jeff Freeman, Interclub Play

Jerry-Beth Owen, Schedule

2019 Board of Directors

Al Buenning, President

Larry Flowers, Vice President

Maureen Gehlhausen, Treasurer

Bonnie Lee, Secretary

Sarah German, USAPA Ambassador

Jack Darnell, EPRD Liaison

Joann Blasberg, Legal

Bob Taber, Marketing

Pat Theno, Social Director

2018 Board of Directors

Al Buenning, President

Tom Karas, Vice President

Linda Strauss, Treasurer

Sarah German, USAPA Ambassador

Jack Darnell, EPRD Liaison

Larry Flowers

Jim Madden

Bob Taber, Marketing

Pat Theno, Social Director

2017 Board of Directors

Al Buenning, President

Tom Karas, Vice President

Kathy Fasold, Secretary

Linda Strauss, Treasurer

Sarah German, USAPA Ambassador 

Jack Darnell, EPRD Liaison

Larry Flowers

Jim Madden

Larry Voorhees