Evergreen Pickleball Club Quarterly Board Meeting

January 7, 2025

Evergreen Public Library – Meeting Room A


The meeting was called to order at 9:35 A.M. MST by Vice President John Dunlop.


Board Members in attendance: John Dunlop, Cherie Peterson, Jeri Herskovits, Jim Mosby, Monte Poague, Debbie Marshall, Mick Pearce and Jim Hunsaker.

Board Members unable to attend: Bob Kerr, Kathy Kincannon and Travis Ervick.

Guests: Julie Ann Courim – Fundraising Technology Update

         Linda Jacobsen – Partnering opportunity with USSP / Grouper update.

Mick Pearce made a motion to approve the minutes of October 16th, 2024, EPC board meeting.

Jim Mosby seconded the motion, and it was approved by the board.

Mick Pearce made a motion to approve the minutes of the EPC All Members Meeting held on December 12th, 2024.  Jim Hunsaker seconded the motion, and it was approved by the board.

Treasurer’s Report – Jeri Herskovits

The 2024-year end financials were presented.  An update on donations for the Buchanan Field House was given.

The proposed 2025 budget was presented.

A motion was made, seconded and approved to keep the dues for membership in EPC at $20.00.

A motion was made, seconded and approved to accept the 2025 budget as amended.

Linda Jacobsen presented a possible partnering opportunity with USSP and gave an update on Grouper’s new business model.

Julie Ann Courim updated the board on technology issues related to fundraising for the Buchanan Field House.

Vice President’s Report – John Dunlop

 EPC membership has remained stable over the last three years, averaging 255 members.

2025 Board Meeting Dates: April 8th, July 8th and October 7th.

2025 All Members Meeting, December 9th, 2025

Spring Fling Social – Mid to late May

Holiday Gala – November 2025

Tournament Director – Mick Pearce

EPC plans to hold six tournaments in 2025: Round Robin, Dinkeroo, Geezers, Women’s Doubles, Men’s Doubles and Mixed Doubles.

The Round Robin and Geezers tournaments are planned to be held during the week and the remaining tournaments are planned to be held on the weekend.  Exact dates are yet to be determined.

Facilities – Monte Poague

New rollers for the Marshdale courts are needed.

John Dunlop made a motion to allocate funds from the Maintenance budget to purchase three rollers if EPRD is unable to provide them.  Mick Pearce seconded the motion and the board approved it.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:08 A.M. MST.







Evergreen Pickleball Club Board Meeting 

Jan. 7, 2025, Agenda

1.      Welcome - John Dunlop

2.      Secretary - Cherie Peterson

Approval of 10/16/24 Board Mtg Minutes

Approval of 12/12/24 All Members Mtg Minutes

3.      Treasurer - Jeri Herkovits

2024   Year End Financials

2025   Proposed Budget

Buchanan Field House Donations

4.      Linda Jacobsen - Partnership Opportunity

5.      Julie Ann Courim - Buchanan Field House Tech Update

6.      President - Bob Kerr

Buchanan Field House Building Update

7.      Jim Mosby - Gear Update

8.      John Dunlop - Membership and 2025 Dates

9.      Monte Poague - Facilities Update

10.  Debbie Marshall - Newsletter

11.  Mick Pearce - 2025 Tournaments Dates and Cost

12.  Website - Jim Hunsaker

Evergreen Pickleball Club All Members Meeting

December 12, 2024


1. Welcome & Introduction of Board - John Dunlop

2. 2024 Review

Membership - John Dunlop

Tournaments - Mick Pearce

Finances - Jeri Herskovits

Marshdale Courts - Bob Kerr

3. 2025 Look Forward

Membership - John Dunlop

Tournaments - Mick Pearce

501c3 Status and Fundraising - Julie Ann Courim

Potential mulit use building at Buchanan - Bob Kerr

4. Board Election

5. Comments / Q & A

6 Close

The meeting was called to order at 12:30 pm by John Dunlop, VP.

Attending: Bob Kerr, President, John Dunlop, Vice President, Jeri Herskovits, Treasurer, Cherie Peterson, Secretary, Monte Poague, Facilities, Jim Hunsaker, Web Site Manager, Jim Mosby, Gear Sales, Mick Pearce, Tournaments, Deb Marshall, Newsletter Editor Travis Ervick, Member at Large

Kathy Kincannon, Social Director, was not in attendance.

Board Election: A motion to re-elect Mick Pearce to the position of Tournament Director, Jeri Herskovits as Treasurer and Jim Hunsaker as Web Site Manager. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Mick Pearce reviewed 2024 tournaments

June 8th Round Robin was scheduled at Mt. Vernon with 40 players

July 11 Dinkeroo at 3rd Shot in Wheatridge – low interest only 12 sign-ups Aug 14th Women’s Doubles scheduled for Sept 4 and was cancelled due      to lack of players

July 11th Mixed Doubles at Marshdale – had the min number of players

Sept 14 Mixed Doubles at MD – went well; had 16 teams, the min we could go ahead with.

2025 Tournament dates will be set at the January meeting

Round Robin


Women’s Doubles

Geezer Games

Mixed Doubles 

Jeri reported $11,041 in bank now

$200 - $300 ahead for socials

Raised $3700+ for EChO

$54 for benches and Sunshades from Marshdale fundraiser

Bob Kerr - Marshdale Courts 

Keeping the courts cleared is our current challenge

Will move the shed by the pavilion because it is causing shade allowing snow and ice to accumulate

Email Bob with issues or concerns about courts

We were waiting for EPRD to put up signs.  Competitive / Recreational Play 

John Dunlop 

Membership will be due January 1, 2025 and it will be $20 again

Julie Ann Courim helped to get a 501C3  designation and is working with the team to get new PB facilities in Evergreen.

  • They are working towards a permanent indoor court 

  • A first draft of the Architectural plans are in for approval 

  • Corey and EPRD approved 1.5 million for this facility

  • They will be working for some high dollar investors

  •  $500,000 is the goal for the Evergreen Pickleball Club

  • They would like a plan to give back any money that isn’t used for courts

     •    EPC will have more control if we contribute to the cost

Julie Ann wants to create a partnership with the county and state.

  There is no expectation from EPRD for how much money is raised by EPC

  There are a number of $10,000+ donors, and corporations we can tap into who want to be a part of the program.

 Bob Kerr had costs figured for outdoor courts and EPRD said they would not then do the indoor courts

  • 240 ft long 120 ft dedicated PB

  • The other side tennis and basketball courts

EPRD wants to make Buchannan a community center with people donating money for their interests.

A member commented that MD is crowded in the summer and new facilities are needed for both summer and winter.

There was a question about building more courts next to the existing MD courts. At this time land has not been designated for that use and there are more players near Bergen Park wanting to play, so they chose Buchanan Rec Center area to build.

New Grants are available for communities. EPRD has been successful in the past for getting grants.

It was asked if we can look at different surfaces.

Travis  Ervick - Mt. Vernon put in 4 dedicated courts two years ago. No difference from MD. They are well used.

Meadow Creek – 6305 W 6th Ave

  The  ball bounces higher, like playing on a clay court – better for body 

  Some EPC players need to get free court time to try it out

He says Mt Vernon is willing to use tennis courts for PB tournaments 

At Sheridan and 6th two indoor courts using ground rubber epoxy surfaces. 

We are being encouraged to go down there and play to try them out.

Bob says it does play differently and not everyone will like it. It does cost more.

Bob Kerr says the way he has approached EPRD, is that the project still gets built

If we don’t come up with enough money through fund-raising.

     The meeting was adjourned at 1:20 pm 

Evergreen Pickleball Club Board Meeting October 16, 2024

Wolf Recreation Center @ 10:00 a.m.

Attending: Bob Kerr, President, John Dunlop, Vice President, Jeri Herskovits, Treasurer, Monte Poague, Facilities, Jim Hunsaker, Web Site Manager, Jim Mosby, Gear Sales, Mick Pearce, Tournaments, Deb Marshall, Newsletter Editor, Cherie Peterson, Secretary Travis Ervick, Member at Large/Grants and Kathy Kincannon, Social Director were not in attendance.

It was moved and seconded to approve the minutes from the July 10, 2024 meeting.


Jeri Herscovitz gave us a summary of the statement of income, memberships, merchandise sales, evetn registration, event sponsorship, donations, element for a total of $16,952.85

Paid out processing fees, merchandise, court rentals, social costs, misc supplies, meeting, fees, postage, 5013Cm Marshdale benches, insurance, domains/software, equipment/facilities for a total of $11,457.25

Net Income (loss). $5,495.60

  CASH $11,401.79

LIABILITIES Retained Earnings

NET WORTH $18,505.79

 We are under budget by $1100.


Presidents Report:

Bob Kerr gave a report on his work with EPRD on indoor facilities at Buchanan. He’s priced out building, courts, everything involved in a complete facility $1,100.00.

Building 80’ x 240‘  Four PB courts on one half; multi-use on other half- Indoor soccer, lacrosse, etc.

We need to raise money and need a committee to do this. Excavation, Plumbing, etc. The more money we can raise, the better we can work with EPRD for improvements.

Raising $200,000 in “matching” funds would allow EPRD to move more quickly. Aiming for next spring to meet fund-raising goal.

Bob might be the General Contractor for that project.


Jeri mentioned that Malcolm Jeffries could help. He will be contacted.

 Architects and Court Builders needed.

This would be a field house instead of attached to Buchanan. If we could raise $500,000 we could go to EPRD and say we are ready for matching funds. $600,000 is just the metal building. EPRD was used to nothing proposed under 10 million. If someone donates large sums they could put their name on it for recognition in the project. We are the main users and largest organization in the area.

Grant money comes from these kinds of projects. 501 3C we can use money for Capital Improvement.

Coors field has a plaque with all the names of people who contributed as does The Center for the Arts

Jeri asked about a noise issue inside a metal building. Insulation is included on the cost.

 Meadow Creek – Tennis Courts Lakewood, 6th and Sheridan - new courts has an insulated indoor court; great background; rubberized coating on floor; seemed slow at first but after playing awhile, it worked. Lighting is excellent.                

 Bob is looking at three different types of surfaces. Better for bodies. Put two courts in and two painted courts and come back later to upgrade.


Fundraising Committee: – John Dunlap agreed to put this together.

Marshdale Courts: – Signage needed to display EPRD court usage rules. EPRD did say they were going to make signs with rules

 Plaques – verbiage for donations recognizing original founders of EPC (Sarah German proposal)

 Signage on courts for ‘group’ usage.

Jim Hunsaker proposed that the Marshdale East half and West half alternate on the 1st and 15th of each month for the Competitive and Recreational groups. Seconded and approved with one abstention.

Brian Tucker is in charge of court usage for EPRD and Bob will talk with him regarding this proposal.

Web Site: - Jim Hunsaker updated the website for the Social – Holiday Gala. He’s going to improve the links for sales for it.

Gear Sales: - Jim Mosby is stocking soft-shell jackets for the winter. Gear sales were way down for 2024 because of courts being closed and resurfaced.

EPC Store sales from Jan to Dec, 2023 totaled $1933.00.

2024 sales totaled $1114.00, so we were down $819.

Discussion about donating some of the gear that hasn’t sold to the Holiday Gala. It was decided to donate gear and paddles.

Donating gear and/or paddles to a group going to Guam was also suggested.


Facilities: Monte Poague has tried to contact Brian from EPRD.  We need combination for new shed lock. We are not sure who will have access for the shed, even though it was built for us.

Poles for shades for over bleachers are also needed.

Bob agreed to fund half the cost of the covers over bleachers. We are donating only $600 even though the EPRD people bought more expensive, longer poles.

EPRD is not following up with sign-in sheets. We have promoted using a scanner but EPRD is saying tech gear would cost around $8,000. The Rec staff wasn’t inputting the data we sent them.  They could pay for the scanner and have the cost covered in a year or less, but it’s not our call.

Marshdale Winter Court Use: Bob said he as told we are not going to be allowed to shovel the courts. EPRD has a little Zamboni but we don’t know if it will be used to clean the courts.   SIGNAGE IS KEY TO KEEP PEOPLE FROM SHOVELING AND RUNNING EQUIPMENT ON THE COURTS. There is a camera. Where are our roller mops?

Tournaments –

2024 EPC Tournament Recap

June 8th Round Robin at Mount Vernon CC had 40 players, Mount Vernon worked quite well as a substitute for Marshdale.

July 8th Dinkeroo scheduled for play at 3rd Shot was cancelled due to lack of players.  Nobody seemed interested in playing at 3rd Shot.

August 14th Women’s Doubles at Marshdale rescheduled to September 4th due to fear of Marshdale not being completed in time. Cancelled due to lack of sign-ups.

August 28th Geezer Games  First tournament at rebuilt courts – went well.  Had 40 players. Learned how to utilize new courts and configurations.

September 14th Mixed Doubles  Barely had enough teams to hold tournament – 16 teams, but went well. EPC Board members were absolutely crucial in holding the tournaments.

 Socials - Jeri Herskovitz and Jerry Beth Owen presented the information for the Holiday Gala. Last year we raised over $2000 and we hope to do better this year.

From Kathy Kincannon: Holiday Gala - Fundraiser for ECHO

Date: Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Venue: Wild Game, 1204 Bergen Pkwy, Evergreen CO Event hours 5pm-9pm. Wild Game facility is booked for $500 including set up and clean up. -facility rental reservation is being held by EPC credit card. -final rental payment will be by check

            Expecting around 100, can hold up to 200

  Cash bar with standard Happy Hour prices: -wine $4, -beer $5,-top shelf liquor $7,-Margaritas $9

 Food will be supplied by: -Genessee Pub and BBQ, deluxe package men

            -Desserts -We need volunteers to provide homemade bite sized dessert -Prize (TBD) will be given to the best dessert


Gala Activities: -ECHO children’s Christmas tree, -Silent auction, -Raffle,  -Prize giveaways from E

Special Guests:

            -Megan Poulsen from ECHO

            -Gig Blitz;  Coldwell Banker Real Estate Agent and EPC tournament sponsor

            -Diana Dargen;  Owner, Sisters Boutique and EPC tournament sponsor


Cost: -$35 per person ($25 for food, $10 to ECHO, 1 raffle ticket)


Vice President: John Dunlop presented a report on Membership and and Newsletter subscribers along with which board members have their term ending.

Membership: As of

                      9-30-24 - 259

                      9-30-23 - 238

                      9-30-22 - 230

Newsletter : As of:

9-30-24 - 807

                     9-30-23 - 682

                     9-30-22 - 545


Board Terms: 2024 - Bob K. (fulfilling Sarah's term), Jim H. and Mick

                      2025 - Jeri, Cherie, Jim M. and Kathy (fulfilling David Huerta's term)

                      2026 - Monte, Travis, Debbie and John

 No one currently serving on the board is term limited.


All Members Meeting - set date and time January Board meeting - possible date - January 7th or the second week in January.

John will get back to us when dates are determined.


The meeting was adjourned at 12:06 pm


    Submitted by Cherie Peterson, EPC Board Secretary

Evergreen Pickleball Club Board Meeting July 10th, 2024

Evergreen Library, 10:00 a.m.


Attending: Bob Kerr, President, Jeri Herskovits, Treasurer, Monte Poague, Facilities, Jim Hunsaker, Web Site Manager, Jim Mosby, Gear Sales, Mick Pearce,Tournaments, Deb Marshall, Newsletter Editor, Cherie Peterson, Social Director and Secretary, Julie Ann Courim, Grant Writing, Fundraising and Sponsorships, (not a member of the board), John Dunlop, Vice President and Travis Ervick, Member at Large/Grants were not in attendance.Mick moved to approve the minutes from the April 3, 2024, and Bob seconded it. They were approved.

 Bob Kerr began with these points:

Marshdale Court Progress Report

Work on the courts has currently been halted as they are waiting for inside fencing. No one could say why they couldn’t proceed without the fencing. Bob said he is in touchwith EPRD multiple times a week and no one seems to be pushing the project forward. As the project manager for building huge government facilities, he is keeping in close touch with the EPRD board to try to keep the work moving forward. We were shown pictures of the covered benches that are presently installed at the tennis courts at Wulf Rec Center. They will cost somewhere in the range of $2,000. We hope to have that amount from members guessing the opening date, but have a ways to go to meet that goal.

By-Laws Amendment:

Julie Ann Courim spearheaded the amendment of the By-Laws, which was necessary in order to qualify for 501(3)(C) status. Our old non-profit designation restricted the amount of money we could bring in and to be sure the club’s funds would be tax-free.Mick moved and Bob seconded a motion to adopt the amended By-laws.

Marshdale Court Updates: What EPRD has proposed for new courts are 3 dedicated courts near Buchanan, next to the Community Gardens and 3 multi-purpose courts (tennis, basketball and pickleball). This could happen if we raise enough money (approximately $150,000 or half the cost). Bob reiterated his original request for dedicated outdoor courts to EPRD and also continues to advocate for more indoor courts for the Bergan Park area. He believes we need dedicated courts and not an area we would have to share because of the multitude of confusing lines for basketball, tennis or other sports. Towns like Buena Vista and Grand Junction (20 courts) have areas dedicated to Pickleball. They are designated municipalities so have funds for these kinds of community improvements.

Fundraising for Courts

We had appointed a committee to work on fundraising which included John Dunlap, Bob Kerr, Chris and Julie Ann Courim. They will meet to determine what kinds of fundraising we can begin doing. Kathy Kincannon’s name was brought up as someone who knows the Evergreen downtown business owners, but we had previously agreed that since most them are continually asked for donations by other local organizations, we would want to find other corporate sponsors, medical facilities such as hospitals in Denver and public or private donors.Julie Ann mentioned that the Grand Junction Pickleball Club (Western Slope Pickleball Club) has 20 courts and their membership fee is $40 a year. They have reserved courts,challenge courts and an open Round Robin with players and above 3.5 and 3.0 and below. She thinks these types of activities would increase enthusiasm for PB in the Evergreen area and possibly raise money for the club.

Note: the list of benefits they give for being a member of their club are listed below.

John Dunlop, Vice President, Comparison of 2023 and 2024 Membership:

210 members - 7-1-24 vs 192 members - 7-1-2023.

Also: Newsletter Subscribers: 728 - 7-1-24 vs 610 subscribers - 7-1-23. A discussion followed about why we have more Newsletter subscribers and fewer members than in 2023.

In summary, the renovation of Marshdale courts has contributed heavily to our lack of gear sales, profit from tournaments (Dinkaroo scheduled to be held at Third Shot cancelled), and a general scattering of players around town.

Jim Mosby, Gear Sales

The bottom line is that sales projections for the remainder of the summer most likely will be flat due to disruption of the tournament schedule. Tournaments are a major driver of gear sales. He is considering new ways of marketing the gear in our inventory. He says the PB backpacks have been popular. Cherie suggested we put on a Fashion Show and charge for it like the High School has done for years. It could be fun and profitable.

Monte Poague, Facilities:

Monte spoke to reinstalling club equipment to new courts, debugging new court issues, and assisting in new bench placement and/ or covers.

Cherie Peterson, Social Director, Secretary:

Jeri recommended that Kathy Kincannon be the new Social Director, since Cherie took over the Secretary position from John Dunlap, who became Vice President this year. A motion was made by Mick and seconded by Bob that this board change be approved. It was passed.

Socials are also a revolving issue with the Friday night potlucks at Marshdale postponed because of court renovations. There are members organizing Friday night events occasionally at the Genese Pub and Bar B Q.

There will be a celebration of the re-opening of MD courts but we will have to wait to determine dates. We had voted at the last meeting to only have three Socials since the Fall social last year was poorly attended after so many Friday night events. Jeri had not attended the meeting when this was decided, but Debbie reminded us that it was voted on to only have three socials a year. Cherie will work with Kathy as she steps up toorganize the Socials along with the food for Tournaments. The winter fundraiser has been scheduled for Thursday, November 19, 2024.

Jim Hunsaker, WebSite Manager:

Reported that the local and regional events page was getting filled with so many listings, that he finds a need to limit the number on our website. He is creating links to the event websites instead of adding all the information on our site.

Jeri Herskovits, Treasurer:

Grouper, the United Health Insurance affiliate, has said it will pay our club $1750 this year for the numbers of people with United Health who are playing PB with our club. So far they have paid $ 900. This is a change from us keeping track of each time we play and being compensated for it. Jeri doesn’t know if they will continue to operate since they have changed their program so often. We have received $2200 in the past year from Grouper and this has been a good source of income for us.

EPC Projected Budget:





Debbie Marshall, Newsletter:

Membership/subscription numbers, What functions should the newsletter fulfill? Debbie said she would like others to submit articles. Gig Blitz had offered to submit articles and Deb said she had been in touch with her about that. We all agreed that Deb has been doing an amazing job and acknowledged that writing the Newsletter was huge task. She has written 21 newsletters published since Jan. 1, which is almost one a week.

Mick Pearce, Tournaments:

Mick asked if we want to help other organizations organize their tournaments. Jim Hunsaker said yes, as part of a community, we needed to do this type of thing. We will consider each case as it comes before us.The tournament dates need to be pushed back as the courts don’t look like they will be ready.

  • June 8th Round Robin Mount Vernon CC Attracted 40 players. Went well. Thanks to Travis and volunteers

  • July 11th Dinkeroo 3rd Shot Cancelled. Very low interest in playing at 3 rd Shot. Had 13 players sign up.

  • August 14th Women’s Doubles Marshdale Date changed to Sept 4th

  • August 28th Geezer Games Marshdale

  • September 14th Mixed Doubles Marshdale

Fall board meeting set for October 8th, a Tuesday, in the Library at 10:00 am.

Monte made a motion to adjourn at 12:10 and Mick seconded that motion. We unanimously agreed to adjourn.

Respectfully Submitted,

Cherie Peterson

EPC Secretary


ASSETS - CASH       7,558.34

ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE INVENTORY       7,981.00        Total Assets     15,539.34 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY LIABILITIES                   -   RETAINED EARNINGS         Total Liabilities & Equity                   -   NET WORTH     15,539.34 EVERGREEN PICKLEBALL CLUB STATEMENT OF INCOME For the Period ending March 31, 2023 INCOME: MEMBERSHIPS           615.00 MERCHANDISE SALES             36.00 EVENT REGISTRATION                   -   EVENT SPONSORSHIP                   -   DONATIONS                   -   ELEMENT (GROUPER)       1,361.00                   -         2,012.00 EXPENSES PROCESSING FEES             51.19 MERCHANDISE                   -   COURT RENTALS                   -   SOCIAL COST/TOURNAMENTS                   -   MISC/SUPPLIES/MEETINGS           161.03 FEES/POSTAGE             10.00 BANK EXPENSE                   -   INSURANCE                   -   DOMAINS/SOFTWARE             78.00 EQUIPMENT/FACILITIES             59.63                   -             359.85 Net Income/(Loss)       1,652.15


INCOME Proposed 2024 2023 Budget % Chg vs 2023 +/-

EPC Memership: 275 members x $20 5500 4500 22%

Merchandise Sales 3000 3000 NC

Tourn. Registration: 5 events x 48 participants x $20 4800 2400 100%

Event Sponsorship 1000 1000 NC

Element 3 Health 2000 0 0%

Miscellaneous Income; e.g., donations 250 1500 -83%



Website/postage/cr card fees/consulting 1500 1000 50%

Merchandise Purchases 2500 2500 NC

Tournament Expenses: 5 events at $500 per event 2500 2500 NC

Social/Fundraiser Event Expense: 2 at $1000 each 2000 1500 33%

Directors Insurance/EMS/Liability 1800 300 500%

Facilities/Maintenance 1000 2000 -50%

Reserve For Contingencies 1500 1500 NC



Social Event: Spring Fling (May) Insurance: Directors Tournaments:

Holiday Fundraiser (Nov) EMS Round Robin 6/08

Liability Dinkaroo 7/11

Women Dbls 8/14

Annual Working Retreat 

Jan 10 2024

The meeting began at 10:00 at Wulf Rec Center

Attending: Bob Kerr, President, Jeri Herskovits, Treasurer, Dave Huerta, Member at Large, Travis Ervick, Member at Large - Grants, Monte Poague, Facilities, Jim Hunsaker, Web Site Manager, Jerry Beth Owen (guest), Jim Mosby, Gear Sales, Mick Pearce, Tournaments, Deb Marshall, Newsletter Editor, and Cherie Peterson, Social Events Director and Secretary. 

John Dunlop was not in attendance. He was the Secretary and is now Vice President.

Before the meeting started, we discussed the current way of dividing up time on the courts at Wulf. Even though the split schedule has not been used yet, there are a number of people who are unhappy with it. It is being protested by a number of advanced players.

This Open Courts system works successfully for other clubs and districts. People stack and divide up the area where paddles are lined up.

 Meeting Called to Order-

The board welcomed Travis and David to the board.

I.       Foundation, 5013C, Grants

1.  Meeting with EPRD next week to finalize the Foundation to tackle improvements. It is EPRD’s designation and we can tag with it to bring in money earmarked only for Capital Improvements (specifically for new courts). Money cannot be touched by EPRD.

2.  Establish a 501 3 C or 501 3 7. Jeri thinks this designation may apply to us.

3. Grants - we can bring in money for minor improvements up to 50 K only for our club.

Bob K said he would like to look at all the grants that might be available. Julianne Courin is willing to write grants and Travis will looks for grants and work with her.

David is looking for sponsorships, not grants.

Element 3 Health - As the EPC Ambassador, Linda Jacobsen has been working with them since Feb of 2023. They have given $2700 this year from United Health Insurance and will give us $1750 this year.

Element 3 Health is rebranding itself even though they said they would never do that, but the new plan can be for the good of our club.

As of Jan 1st they are Grouper. We get up to $100 per month for new people.

  They are taking away the activity tracker (!) as of Jan 31

They want us to enter into a new agreement CPP Club Partnership Program. They want us to be a Marketing Partner with them and this is not just for Pickleball.

We will get a W 9 for 2024

A representative for the new Launch Plan Packet will come and speak to this more in depth Jan 22nd. They want us to make a decision in the next few weeks.

They are looking for clubs for Senior members. They will pay dues up to $100.

(Mt Vernon is $78 a month for Social membership; A Sports membership is $183 a month.)

Our representative was John Neal who unfortunately is no longer with the company.

II. Fundraising

The Marshdale resurfacing project is definitely starting in May/June depending on weather.

It’s time to start to appealing to membership to make growth happen.

Local Corporate Sponsorships

   * Identify Total # of Players

   *. Exposure on Team Reach, Website, Tournaments, Emails

   *. Levels: 

            Platinum (up to 4) $2,500 or more

            Gold (up to 8) $1,000

            Silver (up to 16) $500

            Partner (no limit) $100 - $250

Business Endorsements:

Ideas for which businesses might endorse us. e.g. Look at details - like what kind of cars are most driven and appeal to that dealership.

Tournament Food/Beverage Sponsors

            Provide finger foods for players

            Provide Water and Sports drinks

Location of Tournaments

            Max Ireland - Owner of Third Shot has said we can do tournaments there while our                                 courts are under repair

            Dave works for them and is exploring our relationship possibilities

            We were offered $20 fee court per hour

SubCommittee for Sponsors

   Bob Kerr said he would be on this subcommittee with Dave Huerta.

III Tournaments-

Tournaments and Events Committee

   Jeri, Jerry Beth, Travis Mick, Monte

   Round Robin


   Mixed Doubles

   Women’s Doubles


1.     Except for Geezers try to schedule on weekends

2.     Increase entry fees slightly

3.     Incorporate MVCC into tournament plans to increase participation and number of courts available

4.     Pre-tournament tune up sessions for participants looking to improve skills - Chris, Sherry, Brandon and Travis to set up a couple hours a week prior with partner to get prepared for tournaments

            7 hours $175 Tues Thurs afternoons and Saturdays

IV Marshdale Courts


1.     Donations box; money to go to EPRD?

2.     Covered Benches ? Some members want this but we haven’t agreed

V Wulf Indoor Courts

Discuss open courts or segregation play by experience.

Corrine, Linda, Pablo, Bob Taber, Greg, Jeff and Bob Kerr had a meeting to discuss how to deal with this.

Jim mentioned that this is really EPRD’s issue.

Now only two days of Open Play; Friday and Saturday

VI Buchanan Expansion

  1. Ideal–4 indoor courts complete with lighting, heat, sitting area, bathrooms, indoor/outdoor design.  Cost estimate $ 750,000–$1,000,000. Approx $12,480 sq. ft. bldg.

  2.  Outdoor courts–design for future cover or stand alone.

  3. Covered court option– seasonal bubble to be installed and removed

Seasonal specific bubble can be put up for 4 courts for $200,000 Put up one time a year then tear it down.

 Other Business-

Thurs the 18th of Jan. - Grand Opening for Third Shot - free open play for 3 days;

Open sessions available.

8:00 - 10:00 Two hour sessions

Dates and Places for Tournaments:

  Mt Vernon - Weekends are best  if Marshdale is unavailable in June and July.

  For tournaments we use 6 courts, possibly 8  

These tournament details were decided:

  June 15th Saturday Round Robin @ Mt. Vernon

  July 11th at Third Shot Dinkeroo - Fundraiser Donation to EPRD

      Silent Auction and Food?

  August  14th at Marshdale Wed Women’s Doubles

  August  28th at Marshdale - Geezer Games

  Sept  14th at Marshdale Mixed Doubles  Gig (?)

  Note: June 14th or 21st - Laura Fenton workshops at Mt. Vernon


Spring Social Thursday May 2rd, Friday, May 3rd or Thurs, May 9th or Friday, 10th 2024 -   Depending on availability

  Travis thinks we can use a room there for a discounted price. We will follow up with him.

Summer Social TBA depending on court repair timing (don’t advertise on website yet)

Winter Social Thursday, Nov 21, 2024 Fund Raiser for EChO. Place to be determined.


After some discussion, motions were made and approved to increase the membership fee from $15 to $20 and to increase the tournament fees to $25.

Next Meeting not Announced

Respectfully Submitted,

Cherie Peterson, Secretary

Evergreen Pickleball Club

Special Board of Directors Meeting

EPRD Administrative Offices

October 31, 2023

In Attendance: Bob Taber, President: Bob Kerr, Vice President; Jeri Herskovits, Treasurer;

John Dunlop, Secretary; Jim Mosby, Jim Hunsaker, Cherie Peterson, Monte Poague. Linda Jacobsen and Mick Pearce were present via Facetime.

The meeting was called to order at 2:00 PM by President Bob Taber.

John Dunlop made the following motion:

I move to expand the EPC Board to 11 voting members, an increase of two from the present number of

nine. If approved the new members would join the Board immediately. In order to stagger the terms of the two new Board members, as we currently do with existing Board term, one of the new Board

members would initially serve a two-year term expiring on December 31, 2025. Thereafter the term would be three years. The other new Board member would have a normal three-year term expiring December 31, 2026.

The motion was seconded by Mick Pearce.

There was discussion among the Board members about the positives of expanding the Board. No negatives were identified.

The Board voted and unanimously approved the motion.

Bob Kerr made a motion to appoint Debbie Marshall and David Huerta to fill the new seats on the Board.

The motion was seconded by Jim Hunsaker.

The Board unanimously approved the motion.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:20 PM.

The next meeting will be The All Members Meeting on November 30th at 10:00 AM at the Wulf Rec Center.

Evergreen Pickleball Club

Board of Directors Meeting July 7, 2023

The meeting was called to order by President, Bob Taber at 10:55 A.M.

In Attendance: Bob Taber - President, Sarah German – Vice President, Jeri Herskovits – Treasurer, John Dunlop- Secretary, Linda Jacobsen – USA Pickleball Ambassador, Jim Hunsaker, Mick Pearce, Jim Mosby,Cherie Peterson and Monte Poague.

1. Minutes from the April 5, 2023, Board Meeting were approved.

2. Treasurer’s Report – Jeri Herskovits:

Jeri presented the year-to-date financials through May 31st, 2023, see attached.

3. EPC Insurance Coverage – John Dunlop:

EPC has secured the following coverages:

Directors & Officers – Premium $1152.00 issued by The Philadelphia Insurance Company

Tournament Accident – Premium $300.00 issued by The Philadelphia Insurance Company

General Liability – Premium $377.00 Issued by Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company

4. Membership Report – John Dunlop:

EPC Membership as of June 30th, 2023, is 192 vs 150 at the end of the second quarter 2022.

Newsletter subscribers – 610 vs 392 at the end of Q2, 2022.

5. Website Performance – Bob Taber: See attached Agenda for this information.

6. Element 3 Partnership / Sisters & Company Sponsorship – Linda Jacobsen / Bob Taber:

In addition to the information included in the agenda, Linda reported that all eligible EPC members have been activated on E3’s Activity Tracker and can now enter in their monthly activity. Bob went over the Sisters & Company Sponsorship for upcoming Women’s Doubles Tournament.

7. Tournaments – Mick Pearce:

Mick reported that the Dinkeroo in June was a huge success and that everything is ready for both the Men’s Doubles and Women’s Doubles Tournament which will be this week.

8. Events – Cherie Peterson:

Cherie reported that the Spring Fling was very successful, and the next event would be the Hot August Night get together at Marshdale on August 23rd, 2023, from 4 to 7 P.M.

9. EPC Gear – Jim Mosby:

Jim has purchased some new shirts for both men and women, he had samples to show the board. Also, he has purchased vests for volunteers to ware at the various tournaments EPC sponsors.

10. Facilities & Equipment – Monte Poague:

Monte reported that the new paddle holders are in place at Marshdale and the support legs for the nets have been painted bright orange to help prevent accidents. Also, he is looking into roller holders for the Marshdale courts.

11. EPRD Report / EHS Paddle Donation – Linda Jacobsen / Bob Taber:

Linda reported that the EPRD Kids Summer Camp is running six weeks this summer and the pickleball activity is going very well. Next year Corrine Jackson and David Smith will take over running the pickleball activities for the camp. Bob reported that 25 paddles were donated to EHS to replace the ones that were donated several years ago.

12. Skills Development – Sarah German:

The clinic put on with Laura Fenton Kovanda was sold out and all participants thought it was a great clinic. Sarah is going to get feedback from Laura and discuss doing another clinic next year. Sarah has retired from teaching pickleball classes for EPRD. She is not sure of the status of future classes. It was discussed that EPC might put on classes once a month in August, September and October in conjunction with EPRD. Linda Jacobsen is going to contact Jeff Sweet about this possibility.

13. Sarah German resignation from the EPC Board – Bob Taber:

Sarah has tendered her resignation from the EPC Board as of today. Bob expressed our thanks to Sarah for all she has done to get the club started and promote pickleball in Evergreen. Bob then made a motion to nominate Bob Kerr to serve out Sarah’s term. The motion was seconded by John Dunlop and passed. Bob than made a motion that Bob Kerr be elected Vice-President. That motion was seconded by John Dunlop and passed.

14. New Business – Linda Jacobsen brought to the attention of the Board a request from Travis Ervick, the Racquet Sports Pro at Mt. Vernon Canyon Club, to publicize a fundraiser for the Foundation inthe name of his younger brother that perished in a traffic accident. The Board agreed to publicize itin the EPC Newsletter.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:58 P.M.

The next Board meeting will be October 4th, 2023.

Respectfully submitted – John Dunlop

Evergreen Pickleball Club

Special Board of Directors Meeting

May 10, 2023

The meeting was called to Discuss partnering with Element 3 and was called to order by President, Bob Taber at 3:07 P.M.

In Attendance: Bob Taber - President, Sarah German – Vice President, Jeri Herskovits – Treasurer, John Dunlop- Secretary, Linda Jacobsen – USA Pickleball Ambassador, Jim Hunsaker, Mick Pearce, Jim Mosby, Cherie Peterson and Monte Poague.

This Special Board meeting was called to understand and discuss the opportunity to partner with Element 3 Health.

Linda Jacobsen presented the details of the opportunity presented to EPC by Element 3 Health andthe benefits to EPC members and EPC.

Discussion followed Linda’s presentation.

After the discussion was finished, Linda Jacobsen made a motion for EPC to partner with Element 3 Health. The motion was seconded by Jeri Herskovits.

The motion was approved.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:21 P.M.

The next Board meeting will be Monday, July 10th.

Respectfully submitted – John Dunlop

Evergreen Pickleball Club 

Board of Directors Meeting   

July 7, 2023


The meeting was called to order by President, Bob Taber at 10:55 A.M.


In Attendance: Bob Taber - President, Sarah German – Vice President, Jeri Herskovits – Treasurer, John Dunlop- Secretary, Linda Jacobsen – USA Pickleball Ambassador, Jim Hunsaker, Mick Pearce, Jim Mosby, Cherie Peterson and Monte Poague.



1.      Minutes from the April 5, 2023, Board Meeting were approved.


2.      Treasurer’s Report – Jeri Herskovits:

Jeri presented the year-to-date financials through May 31st, 2023, see attached.


3.      EPC Insurance Coverage – John Dunlop: 

EPC has secured the following coverages:

Directors & Officers – Premium $1152.00 issued by The Philadelphia Insurance Company

Tournament Accident – Premium $300.00 issued by The Philadelphia Insurance Company

General Liability – Premium $377.00 Issued by Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company


4.      Membership Report – John Dunlop:

         EPC Membership as of June 30th, 2023, is 192 vs 150 at the end of the second quarter 2022.

         Newsletter subscribers – 610 vs 392 at the end of Q2, 2022.


5.      Website Performance – Bob Taber: See attached Agenda for this information.


6.      Element 3 Partnership / Sisters & Company Sponsorship – Linda Jacobsen / Bob Taber:

In addition to the information included in the agenda, Linda reported that all eligible EPC members have been activated on E3’s Activity Tracker and can now enter in their monthly activity.  Bob went over the Sisters & Company Sponsorship for upcoming Women’s Doubles Tournament.



7.      Tournaments – Mick Pearce:

Mick reported that the Dinkaroo in June was a huge success and that

everything is ready for both the Men’s Doubles and Women’s Doubles Tournament which will be this week.



8.      Events – Cherie Peterson:

 Cherie reported that the Spring Fling was very successful, and the next event would be the Hot August Night get together at Marshdale on August 23rd, 2023, from 4 to 7 P.M.


9.      EPC Gear – Jim Mosby:

Jim has purchased some new shirts for both men and women, he had samples to show the board.  Also, he has purchased vests for volunteers to ware at the various tournaments EPC sponsors.


10.   Facilities & Equipment – Monte Poague:

Monte reported that the new paddle holders are in place at Marshdale and the support legs for the nets have been painted bright orange to help prevent accidents.  Also, he is looking into roller holders for the Marshdale courts.


11.   EPRD Report / EHS Paddle Donation – Linda Jacobsen / Bob Taber: 

Linda reported that the EPRD Kids Summer Camp is running six weeks this summer and the pickleball activity is going very well.  Next year Corrine Jackson and David Smith will take over running the pickleball activities for the camp.  Bob reported that 25 paddles were donated to EHS to replace the ones that were donated several years ago.


12.   Skills Development – Sarah German:

The clinic put on with Laura Fenton Kovanda was sold out and all participants thought it was a great clinic.  Sarah is going to get feedback from Laura and discuss doing another clinic next year.  Sarah has retired from teaching pickleball classes for EPRD.  She is not sure of the status of future classes.  It was discussed that EPC might put on classes once a month in August, September and October in conjunction with EPRD.  Linda Jacobsen is going to contact Jeff Sweet about this possibility.



13.    Sarah German resignation from the EPC Board – Bob Taber: 

Sarah has tendered her resignation from the EPC Board as of today.  Bob expressed our thanks to Sarah for all she has done to get the club started and promote pickleball in Evergreen. 

Bob then made a motion to nominate Bob Kerr to serve out Sarah’s term.  The motion was seconded by John Dunlop and passed.  Bob than made a motion that Bob Kerr be elected Vice-President.  That motion was seconded by John Dunlop and passed.


14.   New Business – Linda Jacobsen brought to the attention of the Board a request from Travis Ervick, the Racquet Sports Pro at Mt. Vernon Canyon Club, to publicize a fundraiser for the Foundation in the name of his younger brother that perished in a traffic accident.  The Board agreed to publicize it in the EPC Newsletter.


The meeting was adjourned at 12:58 P.M. 


The next Board meeting will be October 4th, 2023.

Evergreen Pickleball Club

Board of Directors Meeting

April 5, 2023

The meeting was called to order by President, Bob Taber at 11 A.M.

In Attendance: Bob Taber - President, Sarah German – Vice President, Jeri Herskovits – Treasurer, John Dunlop- Secretary, Linda Jacobsen – USA Pickleball Ambassador, Jim Hunsaker, Mick Pearce, Jim Mosby, Cherie Peterson and Monte Poague.

1. Minutes from the January 4, 2023, Board Meeting were approved.

2. Treasurer’s Report – Jeri Herskovits:

Jeri presented the Q1 2023 actual financials and compared them to Q1 2022. She also reviewed year to date results versus the 2023 Budget.

3. Membership Report – John Dunlop:

EPC Membership as of March 31, 2023, is 113 vs 84 at the end of the first quarter 2022.

Newsletter subscribers – 580 vs 545 at the end of 2022.

4. Website Performance – Bob Taber: See distributed Agenda for this information.

5. Facilities & Equipment – Monte Poague:

Monte reported that Al Buenning is exploring the possibility of EPC members being able to play at the outdoor courts at Evergreen Middle School this summer. He also reported that EPRD has approved the installation of a windsock at the Marshdale courts. It along with the summer windscreens will be put up when the weather permits.

6. EPC Gear – Jim Mosby:

Jim updated the board as to the amount of inventory as of April 4, 2023. He also presented some new items for feedback on to possibly add to the current gear EPC offers for sale.

7. 2023 Events Update: Spring Fling May 10, 2023 – Cherie Peterson:

The Spring Fling will be held at the Wild Game on Wednesday, May 10th from 4 – 7 P.M. Cherie is finalizing the menu, prizes and other details.

8. Tournaments Report: Dinkaroo June 7, 2023 – Mick Pearce:

Mick and his committee are finalizing the details of the Dinkaroo. Registration will open May 20, 2023. Volunteers will be needed to help with play along with food, water and Gear.

9. USA Pickleball / EPRD Report – Kids Summer Camp – Linda Jacobsen:

Linda is in the final stages of coordinating the dates and times that pickleball will be part of EPRD’s Summer Camp for kids. She is actively seeking volunteers to help with the camp.

10. Skills Development / Laura Fenton Kovanda Clinic – Sarah German:

The clinic will be June 19th,20th and 21st from 8 A.M. to 3:30 P.M. All of the courts at Marshdale will be in use for the clinic. Monday, June 19th at 6 P.M. Laura and her fellow Pros will put on an exhibition.

11. EPC Foundation – Jeri Herskovits:

Jeri presented what would be involved with setting up a separate entity that would qualify as a 501(c)(3). That entity, if formed, would solicit tax exempt donations to expand, promote and facilitate the play of pickleball in Evergreen.

12. EPC Code of Conduct – Jim Hunsaker:

Currently, on the EPC website under Sportsmanship & Code of Conduct, the EPRD Code of Conduct and the USA Pickleball Sportsmanship Guide for 2022 are listed in their entirety. The question presented was should the website contain both of these in their entirety or should only the EPRD Code of conduct be posted and then a link published to the USA Pickleball Sportsmanship Guide.

The board was split as to which would be better, so at this time it was determined that the information will remain as it is.

13. New Business – None

The meeting was adjourned at 12:51 P.M.

The next Board meeting will be Monday July 10, 2023.

Respectfully submitted – John Dunlop

Evergreen Pickleball Club 

Board of Directors Meeting   

January 4, 2023

The meeting was called to order by President, Bob Taber at 11:18 A.M.

In Attendance: Bob Taber - President, Sarah German – Vice President, Jeri Herskovits – Treasurer, John Dunlop- Secretary, Linda Jacobsen – USA Pickleball Ambassador, Jim Hunsaker, Mick Pearce, Jim Mosby, Cherie Peterson and Monte Poague.

1.      Minutes from the September 7, 2022, Board meeting, the October 19, 2022, Special Board Meeting and the December 7, 2022, All Members Meeting were approved.

2.      Treasurer’s Report – Jeri Herskovits: 2022 Financials- See Attachment.

3.      Membership Report – John Dunlop:

         EPC Membership as of December 31, 2022, is 267, 2023 Membership is 80.

         Newsletter subscribers – 545.

4.      Website Performance – Bob Taber: See Attachment.

5.      2023 Proposed Budget presented by Jeri Herskovits.  See Attachment.

Linda Jacobsen made a motion to approve the 2023 Proposed Budget.  Monte Poague seconded the motion.  The motion was approved.

6.      2023 Calendar – Quarterly Board Meetings – Wednesday, January 4, 2023; Wednesday, April 5, 2023; Monday, July 10, 2023; Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Annual Membership Meeting – Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Skills Clinic – June 19 – 21, 2023

EPC Tournaments – Dinkeroo – June 7, 2023
Men’s Doubles – July 11, 2023
Women’s Doubles – July 13, 2023
Round Robin – August 12, 2023
Mixed Doubles – September 6, 2023

EPC Socials – Spring Fling – May 10, 2023
Challenge Court Picnic / Hot August Night – August 23, 2023
Fall Social – October 26, 2023
Holiday Gala & Echo Fundraiser – November 29, 2023

7.      Election of Officers for 2023 – Monte Poague made a motion that the following slate of officers be approved; Bob Taber – President, Sarah German – Vice President, Jeri Herskovits – Treasurer, and John Dunlop – Secretary.  Jim Hunsaker Seconded the motion and it was approved.

8.      2023 EPC Board Assignments: Web Master – Bob Taber, Contributors: Jim Hunsaker and Cherie Peterson, Tournaments – Mick Pearce, Facilities & Equipment – Monte Poague, Skills Development – Sara German, EPRD Relationship – Linda Jacobsen & Sarah German, USA Pickleball – Linda Jacobsen, Social Activities – Cherie Peterson, Gear – Jim Mosby, Fundraising – Jeri Herkovits.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:22 A.M. 

The next Board meeting will be Wednesday, April 5, 2023.

Respectfully submitted – John Dunlop 

Evergreen Pickleball Club
Special Board of Directors Meeting

October 19, 2022

In Attendance via ZOOM: Bob Taber - President, Sarah German – Vice President, Jeri Herskovits – Treasurer, John Dunlop- Secretary, Linda Jacobsen, Jerry Beth Owen, John Russell, Jim Hunsaker and Monte Pogue.
The meeting was called to order at 1:31 PM by President Bob Taber
The purpose of this Special Board meeting was to appoint a replacement for EPC Board member Pat Bixenman, who has stepped down / review nominating and election procedures for the December election of Board members whose terms are ending.
John Dunlop made a motion to have Mick Pearce replace Pat Bixenman on the EPC Board.
The motion was seconded by John Russell.
A brief discussion followed and then a vote was taken.
The motion passed.
The nominating and election procedures were reviewed by Bob Taber.
Jim Hunsaker made a motion to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded by John Russell.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:52 PM.
Respectfully submitted – John Dunlop

Evergreen Pickleball Club
Board of Directors Meeting
September 7, 2023

The meeting was called to order by President, Bob Taber at 11:07 A.M.
In Attendance: Bob Taber - President, Sarah German – Vice President, Jeri Herskovits – Treasurer, John Dunlop- Secretary, Linda Jacobsen, Jerry Beth Owen, John Russell, Jim Hunsaker and Pat Theno; Excused - Pat Bixenman
1. Minutes from the June 1, 2022, Board meeting were approved.
2. Treasurer’s Report – Jeri Herskovits: See Attachment.
3. Membership Report – John Dunlop:
EPC Membership as of September 5, 2022, is 230. Newsletter subscribers – 470.
4. Website Performance – Bob Tabor: See Attachment.
5. EPRD Report – Sarah German / Linda Jacobsen:
The EPRD pickleball classes this summer have been a huge success and will continue in the fall.
Monte Poague is taking over as leader of the Snow Angels.
The EPRD Summer Kids Camp lead by Linda and Sarah was another huge success.
See Attachment.
6. Commercial Shoot at Marshdale Update – Linda Jacobsen: Linda posted an article on the Ambassadors’ website on the commercial that was shot at Marshdale. She also commented about what a fabulous resource USA Pickleball is for her as Ambassador.
7. 2022 Events-Pat Theno: Pat reviewed the events EPC has put on this year and the upcoming events for the remainder of the year. Due to her upcoming shoulder surgery, Pat is resigning from the Board as of September 7, 2022.
8. EPC Gear Report – Jerry Beth Owen: The inventory of EPC gear has been increased in anticipation of demand as we transition into the fall and winter.
9. Facilities & Equipment Report – Jim Hunsaker: The AED device has been installed at Marshdale and a training class was held by Evergreen Fire & Rescue. Jim is looking into possibly having another class for EPC members.
10. Liability Waiver - Bob Taber: Bob is working with EPC member and attorney Dave Figuli to draft a waiver for our club.11. 2023 EPC Board Nominating Committee – Bob Taber: Three Board members have their terms expiring at the end of this year: Jerry Beth Owen, Jeri Herskovits and John Russell. Jerry Beth has decided not to run for another term. John Russell and Jeri Herskovits have decided to run for another term. Bob asked for volunteers to serve on the Nominating Committee. John Dunlop,
Sarah German and Jeri Herskovits volunteered. John Dunlop was appointed Chair and will ask an At-Large member of EPC to serve on the committee as well.
12. Special Nominating Committee – Bob Taber: As Pat Theno is not able to complete her term ending December 31, 2023. A Special Nominating Committee was form of all the Board members present. Sarah German made a motion to approach Monte Poague about coming on the Board and finishing Pat Theno’s term. The motion was seconded by John Russell and approved.
13. 2023 EPC Operating Budget – Bob Taber: As per the EPC Bylaws, Bob and Jeri will get together to draft a budget for 2023.
14. New Business: Three items were discussed. As we plan for events for 2023, EPC should consider having a tournament on a Saturday so members that work during the week can participate.
Second, as we plan social events for 2023, we should try to find a venue in Conifer. Third, it was discussed having the Board meetings the first month of each calendar quarter.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:49 P.M.
The next Board meeting will be in December 2022.
Respectfully submitted – John Dunlop

EPRD Classes
Beginners: 60 players so far this year; next class is full at 16
Next Steps
Skills & Drills
Winter classes

Snow Angels Report
Snow Angels worked super hard last winter; the snow just kept coming
Over 50 people on Angel email list; averaged about 4-5 people
EPRD purchased and installed new locker. EPC split cost of two new brooms and supplied the
lock. Locker holds snow removal equipment, lost andfound box, first aid kit and more.
Monte Poague to lead Snow Angels this winter.

EPRD Summer Kids Camps a Great Success
Introduced pickleball to 145 children over 8 weeks with 30+ volunteers.
Cycled through 8 activity stations, focusing on movement and hand-eye coordination.
Kids watched and cheered as the “pros” and skilled kids played for 10-15 minutes.
One-hour sessions ended up extending to 75 minutes over the weeks
Capped off the final week with fun, goofy costumes. Kids claimed it was their favorite Sports Camp activity.
EPRD very happy with the program.

USA PickleballUSA Pickleball Ambassador
Started Pingles; pickleball for singles
Friday Potluck ‘n’ Pickle
Managing Hiwan pickleball program through Fall
Possible middle school program (through EPRD) YPP?
Marshdale Courts signage: Do we need it? 2022 Events Calendar
Spring Fling – April 15, ~60 participants, Gig Blitz sponsored
Spring Dinkeroo – May 24, cancelled due to snow
Round Robin – June 21, 48 competitors
Summer Social & Gear Swap – July 13, ~40 participants
Mixed Doubles – July 27, 58 competitors, Gig Blitz sponsored
Hot August Night Social – Aug. 10, ~40 participants
EPC Tailgate – Aug. 16, 60+ participants
Season Finale Dinkeroo – Wednesday, Sept. 14, proj. 42 competitors
EPC Fall Social – Tuesday, Oct 4
Holiday Gala & EChO Food Bank Benefit – Tuesday, Nov. 15

Facilities & Equipment – AED at Marshdale; CPR Training for 16

Evergreen Pickleball Club
Board of Directors Meeting

August 11, 2022

Marshdale Courts Evergreen Pickleball Players Liability Waiver
Should we have a waiver?
They are better to have than not. Always should have for EPC events. General play at public facilities only if EPC is managing the facility.” Dave Figuli is providing a waiver form
“Agree to Waiver” part of EPC membership sign up.
SPC (Sarasota Pickleball Club) Release and Waiver of Liability
Please note that the SPC Release and Waiver of Liability is an agreement that requires
signature by each individual participating in any (SPC) event. As stated below:
”In consideration of participating in pickleball games, activities and events (collectively,
“Games”) of the Sarasota Pickleball Club (SPC), and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, I, on behalf of myself and my successors, heirs, assigns and anyone else who may make any claim for or on my behalf, hereby irrevocably and unconditionally agree with and represent to SPC as follows: I have reached the legal age of majority in my jurisdiction of residence and have every right to contract in my own name and execute this Release and Waiver of Liability (“Release”).
I acknowledge and understand that my participation in any event of Sarasota Pickleball
Club may involve certain risks and dangers of accidents, injuries, losses and/or damages, including, but not limited to, personal and bodily injury, death and/or injury to property (the“Risks”) and that I understand, have considered and have evaluated the nature, scope and extent of the Risks involved, and I voluntarily and freely choose to assume these risks; I hereby fully and forever release Sarasota Pickleball Club their Board Members, Committee Members, representatives, successors and assigns (collectively, the “Released Parties”) from any and all causes of action, lawsuits, losses, damages, injuries (including, but not limited to, personal and bodily injuries, death and injury to property) howsoever caused (whether by negligence or otherwise), claims, demands, sums, expenses (including, but not limited to, legal fees), and all other liability of any kind whatsoever, that arise, directly or indirectly, out of or in connection with the Games. I hereby agree not to initiate any lawsuit, court action or other legal proceeding against the Released Parties or any of them, nor to join or assist in the prosecution of any claim for damages, which anyone may have, on account of loss, damage or injury sustained by me or others in connection with the Games.
I give my permission, irrevocably and in perpetuity, to reproduce, copy, publish, broadcast, or otherwise use: (i) my name; (ii) my likeness; (iii) my voice; and (iv) any comments attributed to me (collectively, the “Assets”) that may be filmed, photographed, recorded or otherwise captured by or on behalf of Sarasota Pickleball Club while I am a participant in the Games, or any material based upon or derived therefrom, or to refrain from so doing, in whole or in part, in any manner or media whatsoever.
I acknowledge that the decision to use or not use the Assets is in the sole and absolute discretion Sarasota Pickleball Club and that I shall have no right of approval, no claim to additional compensation or benefit, and no other claims arising, directly or indirectly, out of the use of the Assets. Further, I agree that any and all materials (the “Materials”) created by or for Sarasota Pickleball Club that incorporate, in whole or in part, the Assets shall remain the sole and exclusive property Sarasota Pickleball Club shall retain all intellectual property rights that exist in the materials.
Further, to the extent that I may have any moral rights in the Materials, I hereby waive all such moral rights in favor of Sarasota Pickleball Club ; I acknowledge that if any portion of this Release is held to be invalid or unenforceable, all other provisions shall nevertheless continue to be valid and enforceable. This document is governed by the domestic laws of the State of Florida, USA and operates to the benefit of the Released Parties, as well as their administrators, successors and assigns, and is binding on me and my heirs, administrators, successors, assigns, insurers and estate; and
© Sarasota Pickleball Club | All Rights Reserved”

2023 Board Nominating Committee
Article 3 – Board of Directors
Section 4 – Nominations to Fill a Vacancy: The President shall appoint a
Nominating Committee for the purpose of identifying, vetting and nominating
candidates to the Board for annual election by the members. At least one EPC
member at-large will serve on the committee. The President shall announce the
Board members and at-large club member(s) no later than October 1 each year.
Current Board members who are approaching the end of the third year of their first
term must declare their intent to run for re-election to a second term at the time
the Nominating Committee is appointed. In the event of a mid-term vacancy on the Board, the President will appoint a special Nominating Committee to fill the vacancy within 45 days of appointment.

2023 Board Nominating Committee
Nominating Committee: Two board members, one EPC member at
large, EPC President
Current Board members approaching the end of the third year of their
first term: Class of 2022 - Jerry Beth Owen - first 3-year term; up for renewal of second 3-year term
Jeri Herskovits – filling mid-term vacancy; up for first 3-year term, John Russell – filling mid-term vacancy; up for first 3-year term
Special Nominating Committee: Pat Theno’s mid-term vacancy ending
December 2023

Evergreen Pickleball Club
Board of Directors Meeting

June 1, 2022

In Attendance: Bob Taber - President, Sarah German – Vice President, Jeri Herskovits – Treasurer, John, Dunlop - Secretary, Linda Jacobsen, Jerry Beth Owen, John Russell, Jim Hunsaker and Pat Theno. Via Phone – Pat Bixenman
1. Minutes from the March 2, 2022, and the special Board Meeting on May 18, 2022, were approved.
2. Treasurer’s Report – Jeri Herskovits: See Attachment.
3. Membership Report – John Dunlop:
EPC Membership as of June 1, 2022, is 150. Newsletter subscribers – 392.
4. Website Performance – Bob Taber: See Attachment.
5. Membership Directory / EPC Credit Card – Bob Taber: Bob is currently looking into several ways to do an online Membership Directory, possibly through MailChimp. Jeri has applied for a debit cardon the EPC bank account.
6. Summer Kids’ Camp with EPRD – Linda Jacobsen & Sarah German: Linda, Sarah and other volunteers from EPC will be conducting weekly pickleball classes as part of EPRD’s Summer Sports Camp. The camp runs from June 9 – August 4.
7. 2022 Events Calendar – Pat Theno: Pat presented the Events Calendar for 2022. See Attachment.
8. Paddles for Ukrainian Refugees – Pat Bixenman and Sarah German: 35 paddles and 12 new indoor balls have been donated and shipped.
9. EPRD Pickleball Classes – Sarah German: EPRD is offering Beginner, Next Steps and Skills & Drills classes this summer at Marshdale based on demand. Sarah is teaching the classes with help from select EPC members.
10. Liability Waiver-John Dunlop: Many pickleball clubs are now requiring waivers to be members or on a per event basis. The experts I consulted with felt that it is better to have a waiver in place than not. It will not prevent someone from filing a lawsuit. Bob Taber is going to consult with an attorney to get another opinion.
11. AED at Marshdale – Pat Bixenman: Pat is working with EPRD and Evergreen Fire and Rescue on this. It was determined that EPC would reach out to the membership for donations to cover part of the cost of the AED.
12. Hiwan Open House – Bob Taber: Tom Karas is working with the new ownership at Hiwan to get a date and time for EPC members to see and play on the Hiwan courts.
13. Update 2022 Proposed Budget-Jeri Herskovits: See Attachment.
14. New Business – None
The meeting was adjourned at 12:17 PM.
The next Board meeting will be Wednesday, September 7, 2022, at Sarah German’s.
Respectfully submitted – John Dunlop

Evergreen Pickleball Club
Special Board of Directors Meeting

May 18, 2022

In Attendance via ZOOM: Bob Taber - President, Sarah German – Vice President, Jeri Herskovits – Treasurer, John Dunlop - Secretary, Linda Jacobsen, Jerry Beth Owen, John Russell and Pat Theno. Excused: Patrick Bixenman and Jim Hunsaker

The meeting was called to order at 10:00 AM by President Bob Taber

The sole purpose of this Special Board meeting that was requested by John Dunlop was to discuss insurance coverage for the Evergreen Pickleball Club.

John discussed in general the coverages provided by Directors and Officers insurance, General Liability insurance and Accident insurance.

He worked with three companies to secure quotes, Mountain West Insurance & Financial Services, LLC., RPM Agency Inc. in Evergreen and USA Pickleball.

After discussing the various quotes that were received and answering questions, John Dunlop recommended that EPC purchase Directors & Officers insurance and Accident insurance from the Philadelphia Insurance Companies which was quoted through Mountain West.

John Russell made a motion to purchase Directors and Officers insurance and Accident insurance that was quoted by Philadelphia Insurance Companies.

The motion was seconded by Jeri Herskovits.

The motion was approved by all voting board members in attendance.

The quotes from Philadelphia Ins. Company, provided by Mountain West are:

Directors & Officers insurance - $807.00 for the next twelve months. Accident Insurance to cover the Tournaments EPC will sponsor in 2022 - $300.00. Tamara Lewis of Mountain West Insurance & Financial Services, LLC provided the quotes from the Philadelphia Insurance Companies. Mountain West Insurance & Financial Services, LLC is located in Steamboat Springs Colorado. Tamara’s contact information istamaral@mtnwst.com, phone number is 970-879-1363.

The next Board meeting will be Wednesday, June 1 at 11 AM at Jerry Beth Owen’s home, 26276 Rea Ave. in Conifer.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 AM.

Respectfully submitted –
John Dunlop

Evergreen Pickleball Club
Board of Directors Meeting

March 2, 2022

In Attendance: Bob Taber - President, Sarah German – Vice President, Jeri Herskovits - Treasurer, John Dunlop - Secretary, Patrick Bixenman, Jim Hunsaker, Linda Jacobsen, John Russell and Pat Theno (by phone). Excused: Jerry Beth Owen

The meeting was called to order at 11:12 AM by President Bob Taber

1. Minutes from the All Members Meeting on December 8th, 2021, were approved. Minutes from the Board meeting December 8th, 2021 were also approved.

2. Treasurer’s Report – Prepared by Jeri Herskovits: See attachment.

3. Membership Report – John Dunlop: As of March 1, 2022, EPC has 84 members for 2022. 22 of those are new members to EPC.

4. Insurance Update – John Dunlop: John has been in contact with the following to get quotes on D&O insurance and liability insurance. As soon as all quotes are received, John will report to the board.
USA Pickleball – Hope Tolley 443-822-3853
Steamboat Select Ins. Group – Tamara Lewis 970-879-1363
rpm Agency – Robin Carr – 720-683-0010

5. 2022 Events Calendar – Pat Theno: Pat went through the calendar of EPC events (see attachment) and described each event and how it would be run. There is also a Holiday Social being planned.

6. National Pickleball Month Events – Linda Jacobsen/Jerry Beth Owen: Linda outlined the two events planned for April. On April 13th the Spring Fling is to be held at El Rancho 4:30–7 PM. On April 23rd aChallenge Court and Picnic at Marshdale is planned from 2-4 PM.

7. Facilities and Equipment – Pat Bixenman: Pat shared with the board a pickleball facility he and Gig visited on a recent trip to Dripping Springs, TX. Pat also updated the board on talks with EPRD on getting a tool storage locker at Marshdale.

8. Website Performance/Member Directory – Bob Taber: Bob updated the board on the EPC Website Performance number for January and February. Visits to the EPC website were 2,073 up 55% over the same time for 2021.

Visits: 2,073  +55% yr/yr
Page Views: 4.5K  +37%

Most Visited:
  Schedule  947  2:02
  Skill Levels & Rules  329  3:25
  Tournaments  267  1:02
  Locations  180  0:54
  Membership  178  0:24
  News  177  1:45
  EPC Gear  162  0:28

Bob updated the board on providing the members with an online members directory. MemberSpace offers this as a plug-in to Squarespace. It automatically loads member info from Stripe. The annual cost is estimated to be $756. Bob is going to do some further research and report back to the board at the June meeting.

​9. EPRD Summer Camps – Sarah German/Linda Jacobsen: Sarah and Linda are talking with ERPD about offering pickleball as a camp activity with EPC volunteers running the activity.

10. Update 2022 Budget – Jeri Herskovits/Bob Taber: Jeri and Bob provided an update of actual revenue and expenses versus the budget.

11. EPRD Board of Directors Election in May – Sarah German: EPRD will be electing three new board members in its May election. Currently, there are 8 candidates. Expected issues in the election are: May 2023 Bond Issue, Fieldhouse/gym – North Evergreen, Off-leash dog park, Wulf pool and expanding the district.

12. New Business – None

The next Board meeting will be Wednesday, June 1st.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:16 PM.

Respectfully submitted – John Dunlop


 Board of Directors Meeting - March 2, 2022
Lariat Lodge – 11 am


Call to Order

 1.     Approval of Minutes – Annual General Membership Meeting – Dec. 8, 2021

                                                      Board of Directors Meeting – Dec. 8, 2021

 2.     Treasurer’s Report – 1st Qtr. 2022                                             Jeri Herskovits

 3.     Membership Report – 2022 to date                                          John Dunlop

 4.     2022 Events Calendar                                                               Pat Theno

 5.     National Pickleball Month Event                                            Pat Theno/Linda Jacobsen

 6.     Insurance Committee Report                                                     John Dunlop

 7.     Facilities & Equipment Report                                                Pat Bixenman

 8.     Website/Member Directory                                                   Bob Taber

 9.     Summer Kids’ Camp – Discussion                                           Sarah German/Linda Jacobsen

 10.  Update 2022 Proposed Budget                                              Bob Taber/Jeri Herskovits

 11.  EPRD Board of Directors Election – May                                Sarah German

 12.  New Business


Evergreen Pickleball Club
Board of Directors Meeting
December 8, 2021

In Attendance: Al Buenning - President, Bob Taber - Vice President, John Dunlop - Secretary, Patrick Bixenman, Sarah German, Jeri Herskovits, Jim Hunsaker, Bonnie Lee, Jerry Beth Owen, Pat Theno, Linda Jacobson and John Russell. Excused: Maureen Gehlhausen - Treasurer

The meeting was called to order at 12:00 PM by President Al Buenning

1. Minutes from the October 6th, 2021 Board Meeting were approved.

2. Treasurer’s Report – Prepared by Maureen Gehlhausen, Presented by Jeri Herskovits:
Beginning Balance - Oct. 1, 2021 $4,521.39
Ending Balance - Nov. 30, 2021 $5,148.66

Merchandise $403.62
Memberships $223.65
Total: $627.27

Total: $00.00

3. Membership Report – John Dunlop: For 2021, EPC has 190 members and 327 subscribers to the Newsletter.

4. Approval of EPC Officers for 2022 - Jerry Beth Owen made a motion to approve the following people as officers of EPC for 2022:
President – Bob Taber
Vice President – Sarah German
Treasurer – Jeri Herskovits
Secretary – John Dunlop
The motion was seconded by Pat Theno and approved by the board.

5. Approval of 2022 budget – John Dunlop made a motion to approve the proposed 2022 budget (see below). The motion was seconded by Jeri Herskovits and approved by the board.

6. Approval of Signature Rights and Waiver of Conflicts – Jeri Herskovits made a motion to approve the Signature Rights and Waiver of Conflicts document. The motion was seconded by John Dunlop and approved by the board.

7. Insurance Update – John Dunlop: I have been in contact with USA Pickleball about the liability and D&O insurance that is available through them. I have set up a call with Hope Tolley on Dec. 17th.

8. 2022 Planning Meeting – Bob Taber: Bob would like to have the board meet in January for a planning meeting to put together a schedule of events and discuss ways to grow EPC membership, increase value to our members and how to improve our relationship with EPRD.

9. Survey Results – Bob Taber: Bob reviewed the changing demographics of the members and the priorities expressed by the members in the survey results.

10. Membership Directory – John Dunlop and Al Buenning: Several EPC members have expressed a desire to have a directory of EPC members listing email and phone contact information. Some discussion took place about privacy concerns, accessibility to the directory and how it would be put together. It was decided to defer any action on this until the new year.

11. New Business - None

Meeting was adjourned at 1:29PM

Respectfully submitted –
John Dunlop


Approved Dec. 8, 2021

EPC Membership: 190 members x $15 $2,850
Merchandise Sales 2,000 Event Registration: 3 events x 48 participants x $10 1,440
Event Sponsorships 750 Miscellaneous Income: e.g., donations 250


State Registration of EPC $10
Merchandise Purchases 1500 Event Expenses: 3 events at $500 per event 1,500
Website Expenses: Mailchimp; website domain/host 400
Liability Insurance 1,275
Directors and Officers Insurance 400
Reserve 1500



*Current Bank Balance 9/30/21: $4,521.39
$0 outstanding Expenses

**EPC Gear inventory on hand: $2,154

Evergreen Pickleball Club
Board of Directors Meeting
Dec. 8, 2021

1. Approval of minutes - Al
2. Questions regarding treasurer's report - Jeri H.
3. Membership report - John D.
4. Approval of 2022 budget - Bob
5. Insurance update - John D.
6. 2022 Planning Meeting - Bob
7. Survey results - Bob
8. Membership directory - John & Al
9. Additional new business


Evergreen Pickleball Club
Annual General Member Meeting
Dec. 8, 2021

l. Approval of 2020 annual meeting minutes - Al
2. 2021 Treasurers' report - Jeri H.
3. Board vacancies nominations/vote - Bonnie & Bob
4. 2021 EPC achievements - Jerry Beth
5. 2022 goals and objectives - Bob
6. EPRD report - Don Rosenthahl
7. Question/comments from EPC members


Evergreen Pickleball Club
Board of Directors Meeting
Hiwan Golf Club
October 6, 2021

In Attendance: Al Buenning, President, Bob Taber, Vice President; John Dunlop, Secretary, Pat Theno and Jerry Beth Owen via phone.

Excused: Maureen Gehlhausen and Bonnie Lee.
The meeting was called to order at 11:30 AM by President Al Buenning

1. Minutes from the July 7, 2021, Board Meeting and the September 27, 2021, Special Board Meeting unanimously approved.

2. Treasurer’s Report – Prepared by Maureen Gehlhausen, Presented by Bob Taber:
Balance on July 1, 2021 - $4,055.57
Balance on September 30, 2021 - $4,521.39
Income for the Third Quarter - $2,446.84
Expenses for the Third Quarter - $1,981.02

3. 2022 Preliminary Budget – Bob Taber: Al, Bob and Maureen have met and put together a preliminary budget for 2022, see attachment. Bob presented that Budget. It was decided that the Board would wait to approve the budget until the December meeting.

4. Board Vacancies – Al Buenning: Currently there are two vacancies on the Board whose terms would run for the remainder of 2021 and until the end of 2022. Several potential candidates were discussed.
John Dunlop made a motion for Al and Bob to contact John Russell and Jeri Herskovits about filling those vacancies. Bob Taber seconded the motion. The motion was approved.

5. Nominating Committee – Bonnie Lee and Bob Taber: The Nominating Committee has received several names of EPC members that may be interested in Serving on the Board. Several other names were presented during the discussion at this meeting. The Nominating Committee will contact the members that have been proposed and determine their level of interest and ability to possibly serve on the EPC Board and report back to the Board.

6. Social Event Calendar – Pat Theno: Pat is planning an event that would take place in early November. It would take place at The Wild Game and be similar to the Holiday event EPC had two years ago. Pat will supply the Board with more Details as plans are finalized.

7. Amended Bylaws – Bob Taber: Proposed amendments to the Bylaws are attached. Each amendment was discussed and voted on separately. All the amendments were approved.

8. Insurance Committee – John Dunlop: John received the insurance committee folder from Kathy Fasold on October 5th. After some discussion about liability insurance and D&O insurance. It was decided that John would contact other pickleball clubs to see if they carried these types of insurance for their clubs and if so in what amounts. Also, John will find out what insurance carriers are used by the clubs.

9. Membership Survey – Bob Taber: EPC is going to send out a survey to the members in the next week or so. The survey will be very similar to the one done in 2019. Results of the survey will be presented at the next board meeting.

10. 2022 Board Planning Session – Bob Taber: Bob would like to have a planning session once the new board is in place. It will happen either in December or January. Bob will present an outline for the planning session at the next board meeting.

11. New Business – Al Buenning: John Dunlop brought up the idea of having an EPC member directory with names, emails and phone numbers. After some discussion it was decided that this idea would be part of the upcoming member survey.

Meeting was adjourned at 1:00 PM
The next Board meeting will be December 8th, 2021, following the All Members Meeting.
Respectfully submitted – John Dunlop

Board of Directors Meeting - October 6, 2021
Hiwan Country Club - 11:30 a.m.

Call to Order

1. Approval of Minutes - Second Quarter -July 7, 2021 John Dunlop
Special Mtg. - September 27, 2021

2. Treasurer's Report - Third Quarter Al Buenning

3. 2022 Budget Review/Approval Bob Taber/Maureen Gehlhausen

4. Jeff Freeman Resignation/Replacement Al Buenning

5. Nominating Committee Report Bob Taber/Bonnie Lee

6. Social Event Calendar Pat Theno

7. Amended ByLaw Bob Taber
a. Article VII - Section 1 - Membership Attendance
b. Article VI -Section 1 - Ambassador Board Position

8. Insurance Committee Report John Dunlop

9. Membership Survey - Resurvey Bob Taber

10. 2022 Board Planning Session Bob Taber

11. Additional New Business Al Buenning


Evergreen Pickleball Club
Special Board of Directors Meeting
Al Buenning’s Home
September 27, 2021

In Attendance: Al Buenning, President; Bob Taber, Vice President; Maureen Gehlhausen, Treasurer; John Dunlop, Secretary; Bonnie Lee; Pat Theno; Jerry Beth Owen and Roger Miles

The meeting was called to order at 2:00 PM by President Al Buenning

Kathy Fasold’s Resignation Agreement and Resignation Letter were presented by John Dunlop and Roger
Miles. Both documents were read by all Board members.

The Board agreed to accept both documents

The meeting was adjourned at 2:30 PM.

The next Board meeting will be October 6, 2021 at 11:30 AM at Hiwan Golf Club.

Respectfully submitted,
John Dunlop

Evergreen Pickleball Club
Board of Directors Meeting
Marshdale Park
July 7, 2021

In Attendance: Al Buenning, President, Bob Taber, Vice President; Maureen Gehlhausen, Treasurer: Bonnie Lee, Secretary; Kathy Fasold, Ambassador; Pat Theno, Jerry Beth Owen, Jeff Freeman and John Dunlop.

The meeting was called to order at 11:32 AM by President Al Buenning

1. Minutes from the April 7th meeting unanimously approved.
2. Committee Clarification – Al Buenning: Committee Chairs have the ability to appoint or organize sub-committees or working groups to assist Committee Chairs as needed.
3. Treasurer’s Report - Maureen Gehlhausen: Balance as June 7, 2021 - $4,069.38. Maureen outlined several pending expenses related to the Dink-a-Roo, the Round Robin and the relining of Marshdale. She also outlined the revenue generated from the Round Robin from new memberships, sale of merchandise and tournament fees.
4. Bylaws Revision/Update – Bob Taber: There was a discussion about the Board meetings being open to EPC members, how the Secretary will ensure the actions of the Board are in compliance with the bylaws and if liability insurance will be purchased for EPC sponsored events. Bob will revise the bylaws and present them at the October Board meeting.
5. Insurance Committee – Kathy Fasold: Companies have been found to write D&O coverage and General Liability coverage. Currently, the estimated cost of both of these coverages is $1,600 per year. The question was raised as to how many other pickleball clubs carry either or both of these types of insurance. Kathy is going to research that and report back at the October Board meeting.
6. Round Robin Tournament – Bonnie Lee, Jerry Beth Owen, Pat Theno: Pat Theno submitted a report to the Board detailing the income and expenses related to the Round Robin Tournament. The net cost to EPC was $9.60. The report also included recommendations for future events.
7. EPC Membership – Bonnie Lee, Bob Taber: Bonnie reported that as of the end of the second quarter of 2021 EPC had 143 members. There are 61 people that were members in 2020 that have not renewed their membership in 2021. It was discussed approaching these past members to see why they had not renewed and encourage them to do so. Bob stated that so far this year there have been 6,000 visits to the EPC website from 47 states and multiple countries around the world.
8. Member Conduct – All: Two situations were discussed where EPC members were playing at Marshdale, not in an EPC event, and did not exhibit the kind of sportsmanship that should be expected. The Board concluded that situations like this should be reported to ERPD for them to handle.
9. Sponsorship of EPC Events – Pat Theno: EPC has been approached about tournament sponsorship. Bob Taber made a motion for EPC to consider accepting sponsorships for tournaments. The motion was seconded by Jeff Freeman. The Board voted with 7 voting Yea and two abstentions. The motion passed. The Board decided to look into whether event sponsorship would violate any ERPD rules before accepting any sponsorship. Also, it was decided that it should be investigated as to how accepting sponsorships for tournaments might possibly affect EPC’s status with the State of Colorado and the IRS.
10. Social Events Calendar – Pat Theno: Many members have asked about when the next social event will be. One of the challenges is finding a place big enough to accommodate a group of our size. Pat is looking into having a tailgate/pitch-in event in late July or early August. She is also looking into having a Christmas event. She is looking into having a Mixed Doubles tournament in August.
11. Marshdale Striping Expenses – Al Buenning: On June 22, 2021, via email and phone voting the Board voted to approve EPC contributing to ERPD’s cost of striping the tennis courts at Marshdale for pickleball play.
12. New Business – Al Buenning: None.
Meeting was adjourned at 1:14 PM.
The next Board meeting will be October 6, 2021.

Respectfully submitted – John Dunlop

Board of Directors Meeting

July 7, 2021 - 11:30 am

Call to order

Approval of Minutes - April 7, 2021 --------------Bonnie Lee               
Treasurer Report - Second Quarter--------------Maureen Gehlhausen
Committee Clarification -----------------------------Al Buenning                                
By-Laws Revision/Update --------------------------Bob Taber
Insurance Committee Report-----------------------Kathy Fasold
Round Robin Tournament Report-----------------Bonnie Lee, Jerry Beth Owen, Pat Theno
EPC Member Report----------------------------------Bonnie Lee
EPC Website Report ———————————— Bob Taber
Member Conduct Discussion----------------------All
Sponsorship of EPC Events------------------------Pat Theno
Social Events Calendar------------------------------Pat Theno
Marshdale Stripping Expense---------------------Al Buenning
Additional New Business---------------------------Al Buenning


 Evergreen Pickleball Club
Board of Directors Meeting
Hiwan Country Club, Founder’s Room

April 7, 2021

In Attendance:  Al Buenning, President; Bob Taber, Vice President; Maureen Gehlhausen, Treasurer; Bonnie Lee, Secretary; Kathy
Fasold, Ambassador; Pat Theno, Jerry Beth Owen, Jeff Freeman

Meeting was called to order at 11:38 am by Al Buenning, President

1.  Approval of 3 sets of Minutes - the board unanimously approved the minutes
2. Treasurer Report, Maureen Gehlhausen:  End of 2020 Balance was $2824.66; end of first quarter is $4344.29.  Membership dues and merchandise account for the increase.  There is an outstanding bill for merchandise for approximately $2,000.  
3. Membership Report, Bonnie Lee:  EPC added 15 new members the first quarter of 2021, there are 93 paid members for 2021, 84 members from last year have not paid 2021 dues.  Discussion was held concerning getting members to pay 2021 dues.  The board agreed that the upcoming events will encourage members to join.
4. Vice President Vacancy, Al Buenning:  Jeff Freeman nominated Bob Taber to fill the Vice President vacancy, Pat Theno seconded the motion.  Motion was passed unanimously.
5. EPC By-Laws Committee Report – Bob Taber:  Committee members are Bonnie Lee, Maureen Gehlhausen, Erich Meyer, and Bob Taber.  Suggested changes were reviewed, issues were discussed.  Bob Taber will document changes and send to board members. The changes will be voted on at the July 7, at 2:00 pm, Board Meeting.  Attached are the suggested changes within the by-law document to be voted on.
6. Board Resignation/Nomination – Al Buenning:  Board was asked if there were any other nominations.  John Dunlop’s name was put forward to fill the current board vacancy.  Kathy Fasold and Bonnie Lee will meet with John to outline the duties and responsibilities of the position and report back to Al Buenning who will continue the nomination process with the board. 
7.  Insurance Report – Kathy Fasold:  Kathy distributed documentation on the cost and coverage of insurance to cover the EPC Board and members.  Discussion of the policy USA Pickleball offers was held.  The contract for the policy was not available at this time thereby limiting the discussion.  Al Buenning, President, tasked Kathy to form a working committee to investigate additional options and contact EPRD concerning any coverage they carry during events.
8. Assignment of Duties for Board Members – Al Buenning:  Pat proposed that social events involve round robins, outside picnics.  Al asked Jeff Freeman to replace Maureen as Treasurer in December.  Kathy and Bonnie will interview John Dunlop to replace Bonnie as Secretary.
9. Term of Year Configuration – Al Buenning:  The board needs to be aware of Board Member term limits; who will be leaving and replacements for those positions.
10. Summer Play Schedule – Jerry Beth Owen:  Only EPRD can change the schedule EPC cannot create outside schedules.  We need to let our members know how the sign-up genius works concerning play at Marshdale.  Kathy Fasold is working on an email to members.  Keeping the website schedule updated is very important; it is the most looked at page on our website.
11. Social Calendar/Plans – Pat Theno:  Changing the concept of an EPC social.  Our membership has grown to the point where it is very difficult to find an indoor restaurant to hold an event.  Pat suggested no indoor events this year, but holding outdoor events to go along with round robins.  Pat poled board members via email suggesting a kitchen round robin and received positive responses.  Late May early June was suggested to hold the event.  A full day event, morning and afternoon play, with pot luck in between will be held.  EPC will reserve courts including tennis court and pavilion.  Pat proposed having round robins monthly to increase membership and social interaction.  Bob Taber is working with Hiwan to set up a one day open play for EPC.
12. Additional New Business – Al Buenning mentioned Chris Lewis is planning an event center on Highway 285 which will include Pickleball courts.  It is currently in the approval process.

 Meeting adjourned at 1:30 pm

Respectfully submitted
Bonnie Lee

Evergreen Pickleball Club
Membership Meeting
Via Zoom
February 15, 2021

Attendance: Bob Taber, Maureen Gehlhausen, Pat Theno, Jeff Freeman, Al Buenning, Erich Meyer,
Jerry-Beth Owen, Kathy Fasold, Monty Estis, Sarah German, Roger Miles, Dee Miles

Meeting was called to order at 10:05 am

Agenda Item: To fill the current board vacancy
There were originally two candidates nominated, Larry Anderson and Erich Meyer. Larry Anderson declined the nomination from the membership leaving Erich Meyer the only candidate.
Al Buenning, EPC President, queried attendees all in favor of Erich Meyer serving as the new board member – all attendees responded yes. A further query was made for anyone opposed, there was no response. Bonnie Lee, Secretary, announced she had received two votes for Erich Meyer via email. There were no abstentions. Erich Meyer was announced the new board member. Al Buenning and Bob Taber will meet with Erich Meyer to welcome him to the board.
Bob Taber will fill the vacant position of Vice President this year.
The new indoor schedule at Wulf was discussed; the EPC Website was updated by Jerry-Beth Owen.

Meeting was adjourned at 10:13 am

Respectfully submitted,
Bonnie Lee 

Evergreen Pickleball Club
Special Meeting of the Board
January 11, 2021


Attendance:  Al Buenning, Bob Taber, Maureen Gehlhausen, Pat Theno, Jeff Freeman, Jerry Beth Owen, Kathy Fasold, Bonnie Lee

Discussion was held concerning the Board vacancy of Larry Flowers and how to proceed with filling his place on the Board.

Three options were discussed:
1. Continue forward with the previous decision – offering Erich Meyer the position
2. Delay filling the board seat at the present time and include it in with other vacancies that may be available at year end
3. Call a Member Meeting to proceed per the current by-laws.

Bob Taber put a motion before the board to amend Article III, Section 1 Directors and Elected Officers: ‘Board members shall be elected at the annual membership meeting at which a quorum is present, by a vote of the majority of the members present at that annual membership meeting’ be removed from the by-laws. Jeff Freeman seconded the motion, vote was 4/4, and motion did not pass.

Jerry Beth Owen put a motion before the board to follow the current by-laws.  Kathy Fasold seconded the motion.  Vote was 4/3; Bob Taber abstained and the motion passed.

A notification will be sent to the membership giving notice that a special member meeting will be held February 15, 2021 to vote on any and all nominations for the current open seat.  The deadline date of notification will be five days prior to election, February 5, 2021. The notification will outline the process for nominating a candidate for the board.  Ten members must nominate the candidate and submit their candidate’s name and the names of the ten supporting members.  Submission shall be made via the EPC website. Bonnie Lee and Al Buenning will collect the nominations.

The Members Meeting will be held on February 15 at 11:30 am via zoom.

Respectfully submitted,
Bonnie Lee

Evergreen Pickleball Club
Board of Directors
Executive Committee Meeting
January 5, 2021

Called to Order via zoom meeting at 10:02 am

Attendance: Al Buenning, President; Bob Taber, webmaster; Bonnie Lee, Secretary; Maureen
Gehlhausen, Treasurer

Bylaws - Bonnie Lee: A discussion of the bylaws Section 1 of Article III and Section 3 of Article VII was
held. The executive committee agrees that bylaws were not followed this year during the nomination
process. COVID made communication difficult this year and the board went forward with the previous
process. The executive committee agreed notification and requests for candidates will be sent out in early
December 2021 to meet the bylaws requirements.

Nominations - Al Buenning: Erich Meyer was put forth as a candidate by the Board at the December 9,
2020 meeting. Al approached Erich concerning the open board position; Erich responded that he would
be honored to join the EPC Board if his nomination was accepted. Motion was put before the executive
committee to accept Erich’s nomination. Bob Taber approved the motion and Maureen Gehlhausen seconded the motion. Motion was unanimously accepted.

Winter Schedule - Al Buenning: A discussion was held concerning updating the website with current pickleball play times at Wulf, Marshdale, and EMS. At the current time nothing has changed concerning times and places for play. The website will be updated as soon as COVID regulations change the schedule.

Website - Bob Taber: Bob has purchased new merchandise. It will be added to our website under the EPC Gear tab. Bob is the owner of the website and edits all content added. When posting to the website Bob needs to be notified before posting.

Meeting Adjourned at 10:34 am

Respectfully submitted,
Bonnie Lee

Evergreen Pickleball Club
Annual Members Meeting
Held via Zoom

December 9, 2020

Attendance: Al Buenning; Larry Flowers; Bob Taber; Maureen Gehlhausen; Pat Theno; Bonnie Lee; Ellen O’Connor, EPRD; Kathy Fasold; Monty Estis; Jeff Freeman; Erich Myer; Roger Miles; Jackie Mohr; Steve Sparer; Andy Clark, Diane Jeffries; Dale Jeffries; Don Rosenthal; Donna Lomax or Fitzgerald; Carol Goss; Jack Darnell

Meeting was called to order at 4:02 pm

Membership Report given by Bonnie Lee: EPC membership increased by 25% in 2020. We started the year with 118 members and grew to 158, giving EPC 40 new members.

Treasurer Report given by Maureen Gehlhausen:
Beginning Balance 1.1.2020 $2362.60
Ending Balance 1.20.20 $2797.04
Credits Total: $2573.79
Membership Dues $1545.62
Merchandise sales $257.17
EHS Donations $326.00
EMS Donations $445.00

Expenditures Total: $2139.25
Merchandise Purchases $170.00
Mail Chimp Annual $119.88
SquareSpace annual fee $256.00
Host Fee $40.00
Annual Fee $216.00
EPC Social Activities $537.13
EHS Donations $383.00
EMS Upgrades $845.05
Nets (3) $438.26
Banner $71.98
Supplies $314.81
Misc. Refunds/postage $51.83

2020 Recap given by Larry Flowers:
Membership increased with 40 new members
Evergreen Middle School was set up for play on the north side of Evergreen. The surface was enhanced to create 4 courts and EPC purchased 3 nets
EPC sponsored a fall round robin tourney
EPC was active in the EPRD board elections in May
EPC website (53 postings)
We welcomed our new USAPA Ambassador Kathy Fasold
EPC received a grant from USAPA of $350 for EHS Pickleball nets
EPC is working on developing interclub play with Hiwan & Mt Vernon
Ladder play continues weekly
Skills & drills were on hold most of the year due to COVID

Outlook for 2021 – input from Board and members:
Additional courts
EPC to sponsor more clinics and mentoring
Interclub play with Genesee and Mount Vernon
Development of property on Highway 73 as soon as possible to help with scheduling play
Future social could be held outside after Round Robins

EPRD, Don Rosenthal: Ellen O’Conner thanked us for working with EPRD on the public health orders. Don reminded us that public health orders have limited what EPRD can do. They continue to develop various ways for EPC to continue pickleball play during this time.

EPC Member Questions and Comments: Question was asked concerning the property on Highway 73, when will the property be developed for either tennis or pickleball play? Ellen answered the question; there has not been any discussion this year. The homeowners in the area and HOA have given input they would prefer tennis courtsrather than pickleball. EPC was asked if there are any scheduled times to play; currently the COVID guidelines do not allow any scheduled play.

Meeting adjourned at 4:42

Respectfully submitted,
Bonnie Lee

Board of Directors Meeting
September 30, 2020

Call to Order

1. Approval of Minutes Bonnie Lee
2. Treasurer Report Maureen Gehlhausen
3. Round Robin Review/Evaluation Bonnie Lee/Larry Flowers
4. Hiwan Golf Club Pickleball Courts Bob Taber
5. Reservations during Open Play Al Buenning
6. Indoor Play at Wulf/Ambassador's Report Kathy Fasold
7. Web Site Report Bob Taber
8. 2021 Board Elections Al Buenning
9. Additional New Business


Evergreen Pickleball Club
Special Meeting of the EPC Board and Guests
December 27, 2019

Board Members present: Al Buenning, Sarah German, Bob Taber, Jack Darnell, Bonnie Lee, Jerry Beth Owen, and Jeff Freeman.
Guests Present: Monty Estis, Dave Figuli, Tom Karas, Kathy Smith

Kathy Smith has experience with grant funding; she suggested we look into Outdoor Colorado. GoCo requires 25% upfront by EPC. The donated land could be used as partial payment, 10% must be cash.
Tom Karas suggested ‘Chicken & Pickle’ might be something to look into also.
Dave Figuli would like to donate to a non-profit. EPC is not currently non-profit however Dave said he could look into that process for us.
Monty Estis suggested EPRD might be interested in building on the site for primarily pickleball play. They would use the building for other events also. The approximate cost to build a metal building would be $100 a square foot.

Next Steps: Monty Estis will talk with EPRD. Dave Figuli will take the lead on creating a non-profit.

Respectfully submitted.
Bonnie Lee

January 6, 2020

Evergreen Pickleball Club
Board of Directors Meeting
December 11, 2019

In Attendance were: Al Buenning, Larry Flowers, Jack Darnell, Bob Taber, Sarah German, Maureen
Gehlhausen, Joann Blasberg, and Bonnie Lee.

Meeting was called to order at 12:10 by Al Buenning.

Approval of Minutes: Joann Blasberg requested a change to the by-laws, 3e: Signature Rights. The board unanimously adopted the attached resolutions concerning signature rights and waiver of potential conflicts.

Treasurers Report: Maureen Gehlhausen: there were no changes from the report given at the Annual
Meeting today at 11:30 am.

Membership Update/Growth Issues: Sarah German: there were no changes from the report given at the Annual Meeting today at 11:30 am

EPRD Presentation: Jeff Sweet – EPRD will be sending an email to players concerning:
1. EPRD Code of Conduct
2. New winter play time calendar
3. Cautioning players to respect the start and stop times
4. Players should be playing to their appropriate skill level
5. Stacking paddles only during mixed time and Sundays
6. Reminder to players to be respectful and courteous towards other players and EPRD staff.
Jeff was asked by the EPC board for any feedback on better communication with the EPRD Board and Staff. Jeff will get back to us with ideas and input.

Approval of By Law Revisions: Joann Blasberg
1. Article II, Section 4 EPC Events: Changed ‘Treasurer’ to ‘Board’
2. Article III, Section 1, 2 paragraph: Officers and at-large members may not serve for more
than two consecutive three-year terms in the office and/or position to which she/he was elected. Added And
3. Article VI, Section 3, Secretary; Added ‘and Membership Chairperson’ to description. Added: The Secretary will provide, upon request of other Board members, an electronic contact list in addition to maintaining home addresses and phone numbers of all current EPC members. Removed ‘In concert with the Ambassador’, and added ‘and shall not be used for commercial purposes unrelated to EPC activities’. Removed the title of Ambassador/Membership Chairperson.
4. Article VII, Section 4, Special Membership Meetings, added days notice ‘The notice for a special meeting will provide 15 days notice of the meeting, The By-Laws were unanimously approved at the board meeting with the changes reflected in the minutes. Copies of finalized by laws is attached.

Code of Conduct: Jack Darnell – Request was made to add that server’s partner must be within the court lines while their partner is serving, and players should play to 9 when more than 13 paddles are down. Code of Conduct was adopted with these changes, motion passed unanimously.

​Review/Evaluation of Holiday Social Event - Al Buenning. Several members expressed disappointment with the venue Rocky Mountain High. The board reviewed other possible options; Bob Taber will look into the possibility of holding a social at Hiwan Golf Club.

Board Vacancies – Al Buenning – Both Jack Darnell and Joann Blasberg will be leaving the board in 2020. Discussion was held in regards to filling the vacancies which would leave the board with seven members. It was decided to maintain a nine member board. Names put forward were Jerry Beth Owen and Jeff Freeman. Motion was put before the board for approval, Bob Taber accepted, Joann Blasberg seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Web Site Changes/Improvement: Bob Taber – Members had difficulty paying membership dues on the site. There were several steps to get to the payment screen. Bob is looking into simplifying the process. There is a yearly cost of $215 for use of the Squarespace hosting.

Additional New Business: Al Buenning - Request was made for the board to work on a plan for interacting with EPRD Board.

Meeting was adjourned at 1:32 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Bonnie Lee

Evergreen Pickleball Club
Annual General Member Meeting
Wulf Rec Center
December 11, 2019

In attendance: Al Buenning, Larry Flowers, Jack Darnell, Sarah German, Bob Taber, Joann Blasberg, Kay Crook, Clair Roberts, Don Washco, Jim German, Larry Anderson, Roger Miles, Bruce Feldkamp .

The meeting was called to order by President Al Buenning at 11:33 am.

Sarah German reported on current membership. Current membership is 197; during the summer months players grew to over 250. Current EPC membership renewals for 2020 is 70. Renewals were taken at the annual holiday party and on the EPC website. Bonnie Lee will take over the membership responsibilities in 2020.

Maureen Gehlhausen reported on financials through November 4. EPC currently has $1643.00 in our account, with bills being paid. Income included $219 from membership dues and $518 from merchandise. Online deposits account for one half of the income. December income includes $528 in membership dues. Expenses included the creation of the EPC website, social events and shootouts. EPC incurs a yearly fee for website maintenance of $250 and there is a small transaction fee attached to each credit card charge.

Larry Flowers presented a review of EPC accomplishments in 2019:
Conducted two club round robins @ Marshdale
Launched club website with news, events, gear sales, play schedules
Facilitated two weekend professional clinics for members
Expanded EPC gear sales
Evergreen PB ambassador with EPC member assistance conducted skills & drills
Ladder play on Thursdays coordinated by Kathy Fasold
Social events
Board activities:
Welcomed three new board members (Maureen & Joann and Bonnie)
Conducted inaugural benchmark member survey
Revised club by-laws
Developed club “code of conduct”
Held quarterly business meetings
Maintained regular communications with EPRD board & staff

Bob Taber reported on growth and results of the EPC survey. EPC is growing by 20/25 members a year. The three top member concerns in the survey were:
1. Number of indoor courts available for play.
2. Request for increased play time/days.
3. Grouping by skill level.
Sarah German is working with Jeff Sweet, EPRD, to find resolution to these concerns.
Bob also reported on EPC website visitors: there were 1750 visitors in the site. The most visited paGE was play schedule followed by Events, EPC gear and membership.

Al Buenning queried the members for comments, there being no comments the meeting was adjourned at 12:05 pm.

Evergreen Pickleball Club
Board of Directors’ Meeting
Oct. 2, 2019

1. Approval of previous board meeting minutes/Executive Committee report - Al
2. Third quarter treasurer's report - Maureen
3. Review of proposed bylaws changes - Joann
4. Website evaluation/improvements/changes - Bob
5. Tournament review - Sarah
6. EPC social events - Pat
7. EPC member survey - Bob/Larry
8. Ambassador's report - Sarah
9. EPC membership rate increase for 2020 - Al
10. Marsdale property - EPRD - Al
11. New EPC player schedule - Sarah
12. New board vacancies/nominations - Al
13. Additional new business


Executive Committee
Marshdale Park Pavilion
September 23, 2019

Call to order at 10:00 a.m.

In attendance:Al Buenning, President; Sarah German, Evergreen Ambassador of the USAPA; Larry Flowers, Vice President; and Maureen Gehlhausen, Treasurer.

The committee meeting was called to address two immediate issues: member conduct at EPC events and occasions and the two-acre parcel of land recently donated to EPRD by the fire department. The land parcel is located across the street to the south of the Church of Latter Day Saints. Both items are on the agenda of the next EPC Board of Directors meeting scheduled for October 2, 2019. Recent conduct by a current EPC member at the Round Robin Tournament held on September 17th has been surfaced and raises the issue for a code of conduct at EPC events and gatherings. Currently our bylaws do not reference such guidelines for member conduct.

Several options were discussed at length by committee members including the following: permanent suspension of all future events/competition, register a concern/opposition regarding the conduct of the member and share this directly with the violator; suspend the individual for the next sanctioned competitive event of the club; adapting a code of conduct similar to the one recommended by the USAPA; and just let the event go without any reprimand. Following a lengthy discussion of the pros and cons of each action, the committee will recommend to the Board of Directors that a suspension of the next competitive event is the proper avenue in handling the concern. Also, the Executive Committee will recommend that per board action as recorded in the minutes, EPC will adopt the Code of Conduct similar to the one recommended by the USAPA. The bylaws need only to reference that such action has been taken and governs all EPC events and gatherings.

The gift of a two-acre parcel of open land near Marshdale was discussed in detail. Several options were discussed ranging from making a totally new pickleball site and reconvert the current pickleball courts to the original format; developing a new tennis court facility; use the space for another picnic/park area and leave property undeveloped. Some committee members shared Jack Darnell’s concept complete with drawings which showed six to eight pickleball courts. He has shared his concept with EPRD. Since the meeting, the Executive Director of EPRD has responded to Jack's concept, deferring future meetings and discussions regarding the potential usage. Following a thorough discussion by committee members, it is preferred to develop the site as a new outdoor tennis facility and convert the remaining Marshdale tennis court to four additional pickleball courts. This would result in eight pickleball courts at Marshdale. EPC will discuss this topic at length on the board level and then present a united proposal to EPRD. What is certain is that nothing will happen immediately, primarily because of required capital resources to develop the new site and the need for prior community input.

Meeting adjourned at 10:51 a.m.

Recorded by,
Al Buenning, President

Evergreen Pickleball Club
Board of Directors Meeting
Wulf Rec Center
March 20, 2019

Call to order at 11.35 a.m. 

In attendance: Al Buenning, Sarah German, Bob Taber, Jack Darnell, Larry Flowers Pat Theno, Joann Blasberg, Maureen Gehlhausen and Bonnie Lee.

List of EPC Board of Directors contact information
Class of Board rotation
December 5th 2018 Minutes submitted by Pat Theno
Special Board Meeting held December 19th, 2018 minutes submitted by Al Buenning
Treasurer spreadsheet of deposits and payments, attached EPC current members
EPC 2019 Preliminary Budget
EPC By-Laws
First Draft EPC Survey

1. Approval of Minutes
December 5, 2018 minutes approved unanimously.
Special Board meeting minutes from December 19, 2018 approved unanimously.

2. Finance Report - New accounting system report from Maureen Gehlhausen 
Maureen reports starting balance as of January 1, 2019 as $932.58, payment for web designer $375.00, deposits from membership, $1,050.00, balance as of March 20, 2019 is $1,050.00
Maureen is updating accounting system. Treasure’s report will use Excel program instead of Quick Books. Future reports will be sent electronically. One sheet with a balance quarterly.
State fee paid by Maureen on her cc card to be reimbursed by EPC (Al to sign check).
Principal office of EPC to be changed from Linda Strauss address to Maureen Gehlhausen’s as current Treasurer to meet State requirement. 

3. Membership Report from Sarah German
EPC current membership count at 103 members for 2019. 
Ideas explored to increase membership.

4. 2019 Proposed Budget - Review of handout. 

5. Update on EPC Website 
Bob Taber reported that website is nearly complete. Presentation of website with navigational tour. Bob explained website adjusts to fit the screen you’re using, more than just one way to navigate through site. Website to launch in next couple of months. Sarah German to email EPC members to advise when website launches. 
Suggestion made to change “Code of Conduct” to “Code of Etiquette”
Pickleball Guru classification of play level to be used on website rather than USAPA definitions.

6. Bylaws Review and Recommended Revisions by Joann Blasberg
Bylaws committee: Joann Blasberg, Jack Darnell and Larry Flowers were tasked with reviewing the current Articles of Incorporation.
EPC to be designated as either an LLC or LLC-s corp.
Sales tax license question to be held at future meeting.
We are registered as a non-profit. 501 C3 was going to be long process we decided to look at path back then due to large donations possibly needed at the time. No longer big cost-sharing issue so no longer reason to pursue. 
Public requirement discussed by Jo, regarding non-profit status of EPC, to make sure we are not violating the law by calling us q non-profit.
Jo will be reviewing articles of incorporation.
Joann will review and update bylaws. 

Article 3 Members can nominate but cannot vote for EPC Board. 
Page 5 Check signing Signature rights: Over certain dollar amount two signatures needed: Al Buenning and Maureen Gehlhausen as signers.
Sarah German suggested change to membership dues: all due in January or later; no 50% discount for late joiners. 
Article 7 to be revised to read Quarterly board meetings not open to club members. 
General membership meeting to fall under special meetings and to be reviewed by Jack, Larry and JoAnn.

7. Social Events by Pat Theno
Wild Game, huge success, WG gave us two for one coupons. Next social is scheduled for Monday April 8th at Rocky Mountain High, for members only. Idea of doing drawing for gift card at that social.
Two shootouts scheduled, one for spring, June 18th and fall, Sept 17th 2019.
Upcoming social in July at Lariat Lodge.
3rd Friday Afternoon Mixed play at Marshdale: not a club activity but for all players. To start in May, weather permitting. 

8. Member Survey Design by Larry Flowers and Bob Taber
First draft of EPC questionnaire handed out and review of questions. Tracking survey, same basic survey to monitor change. Questionnaire to be linked on website. New survey to be released yearly.

9. Additional Business - Miscellaneous conversation not on agenda 
Announcement: Days for Girls April 17th,  10 to 2:00 Evergreen women players are volunteering to help assemble hygiene kits for girls in Africa. Workshop to be at Foothills Bible Church in Littleton, CO. Organized by Sarah German and Jane Voorhees.
Larry Flowers introduced the idea of a parade after being in the St Patrick’s day parade for Fathers Day parade in June. 
Middle School and EPRD fundraising.
Joann question of EPRD play levels.
How to soften the “ You don’t belong here” conversation.

Next meeting to be held first Wednesday in June 2019. Meeting was adjourned at 1:30 pm

Respectfully submitted,
by Sarah German and Bonnie Lee

March 20, 2019

Evergreen Pickleball Club
Board of Directors Meeting
Marshdale Park Pavilion
June 6, 2018

Call to order at 9:30 a.m.

in attendance: Tom Karas, Jim Madden, Bob Taber, Sarah German, Jack Darnell and Al Buenning.

Information was shared by Al Buenning at the beginning of the meeting. All Silver Sneaker participants receive a membership benefit to the EPRD centers. In turn the district receives a $4.25 daily compensation with a maximum payment of seven visits per month. ERPD does not receive additional compensation for additional visits over the seven allowed. However, Silver Sneakers members can use the facility and services as many times as they wish within the month. In addition Al Buenning summarized his individual survey results after contacting 55 players: in or out of district, visits per week and method of payment were highlighted. His goal is to survey a total of 100 participants.

The bulk of the meeting dealt with a memo from Brian Tucker to Sarah German dated June 5th of this year. It addressed future usage regulations at Marshdale commencing June 18. The memo specifically addressed activity schedules which separated player by skill and time periods. All future play would allow all players regardless of their skill to participate together. In other words there will no separation or designation of skills in the usage of courts at Marshdale. In addition Brian informed our group that we need permits in the future for all large gatherings at Marshdale. This regulation referenced last Friday's social activity from 4 to 6 p.m. Tom Karas detailed exactly the requirements for permits including a rather significant fee.

Jack Darnell raised a question regarding players who have an advanced reservation and the ability to "kick off" participants who are already playing. The problem is that there is no way of knowing whether the group is legitimate. After a lengthy discussion addressing our group's option, it was unanimously decided that we would ignore this new set of directives/regulation until such time that additional problems or issues arise.

Meeting adjourned at 10:08 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Al Buenning

Evergreen Pickleball Club
Board of Directors Meeting
Jack Darnell’s house
April 4, 2018

The meeting was called to order about 11:30 am and adjourned about 1:52 pm.

Attendees: President Al Buenning, Vice President Tom Karas, Treasurer Linda Strauss, Director Jim Madden, Director Sarah German, Director Jack Darnell, Director Bob Taber, Director Pat Theno

Additional Part-time attendees: Monty Estis, Kathy Fasold

1) Treasurer’s Report – Linda Strauss reported that the bank account had a balance of $1,126.85 at this time, with a limited number of 2018 dues renewals so far. Director German handed over additional dues payments received but they were not counted during the meeting. No significant expenses were reported since the last meeting.

2) Kathy Fasold’s campaign for EPRD board position – Kathy is running for an EPRD board of director’s seat in the election to be held on May 8, 2018. She reported that since EPRD is a not-for-profit Colorado organization, it can’t participate in the election or campaigning, but individual members may vote and contribute to the campaign. She has brochures and signs available for use by individuals, and also presented the requirements for those needing to obtain absentee ballots in advance of the election date. She pledged to advocate for pickleball interests in Evergreen, and push for better tracking of revenues and costs for pickleball at EPRD.

3) EPRD User Group concept for pickleball at Marshdale West court – This idea was discussed at the last EPRD board meeting in late March, but so far it is just a possible idea to be investigated. Since EPC does not have experience with this concept, which is used for many youth team sports programs by EPRD, several attempts have been made to gather more information about this concept to support discussion by the EPC board.

Director Darnell attempted to have a meeting this week with EPRD Executive Director Ellen O’Connor, but was only able to have a few minute phone call with her, after requesting information in an email. Ms. O’Connor replied that the costs for the Marshdale upgrade for dedicated Pickleball use was about $14,000, including repainting and heavy-duty net systems. She also stated that EPRD staff had not decided on a preferred approach for pickleball use, with consideration of the field rental or user group approaches, and that her staff was meeting later this week to discuss this. Director Darnell agreed to call her next week to try to set up a meeting with the staff and the subcommittee of the EPRD board on this matter. (EPRD directors Peter Lindquist and Monty Estis). It was suggested that the EPC board did not have enough information for meaningful progress until the EPRD preferred approach was clarified. Several of the EPC directors expressed that they still preferred the approach from earlier discussions with EPRD staff in which EPC would raise contributions for the heavy-duty nets if EPRD repainted the court for dedicated Pickleball use.​

Directors Flowers, German, and Darnell also met with EPRD Director P. Lindquist yesterday to gain from his experience with several youth sports user groups. In that meeting, Mr. Lindquist said the EPRD board used a current value of $37/participant/season for the fees due EPRD for these youth sports programs, and that he did not anticipate that the pickleball user group fees would be higher than that value. He also said that EPRD had a target of recovering 50% of the costs of these programs use of the facilities they need that belong to EPRD. In their costs evaluation, they included staff costs and other internal EPRD operating and maintenance costs. He also mentioned that some national organizations for each sport offer relatively inexpensive insurance programs for local teams, and that we should contact some of the other local teams to ask how they procured insurance to meet the EPRD requirements. He also holds the view that pickleball is a small group compared to the about 500 participants in EPRD’s junior lacrosse program. It should be noted that he is running now for reelection to the EPRD board.

In looking at the field rental approach, using the EPRD website which has standard forms, etc., it appears that these forms are more directed at large, one-time events with organized sponsors. However, for possible pickleball use, it may allow EPC to pay one fee for season access at designated times for a designated period, which would be easier than managing a certain amount per individual user with the user group approach.

It was noted that either approach would probably increase the administrative burden on EPC, which would need insurance for liability, waivers of liability forms for all users, supervision of the courts when EPC had designated use, unknown and uncontrollable operations and maintenance costs charged by EPRD, and a significant financial commitment on an annual basis.

EPRD appears to be assuming that pickleball use for indoor play at Wulf gym would not change, where many players use Silver Sneaker admission and participate in other programs or classes while at Wulf. EPRD appears not to be considering Silver Sneakers admission for Marshdale, due to their administrative cost of tracking the unique payment strategy cap of up to 8 visits per month for any activity by any individual. With a new fee structure for outdoor pickleball play, EPC will likely see more members preferring to play indoors to avoid the fees, limiting our ability to meet the EPRD expectations for cost recovery for the Marshdale improvements. EPC needs a subcommittee to follow up with EPRD to get enough information to work out these details. Although not present, Director Flowers is willing to volunteer for involvement in this small group. Director German indicated that she should not participate as she is a part-time staff member based on the pickleball lesson program that she leads. Because of his involvement in a number of previous meetings, Director Darnell is also interested in being part of this group. No formal designation was made at the meeting.

Monty Estis added his views from the EPRD board perspective. He is alone on the board in thinking that there may be other better ideas than the ones preferred by EPRD. He said their objectives are to get more revenue from pickleball to partially offset their costs, and to reduce the noise from the pickleball community, which is distracting them from more significant issues.

4) EPC Social Events– Director Theno suggested holding the next event prior to the EPRD board election date. The consensus was that either April 17 or 18 for happy hour at the new version of the Stagecoach Bar & Grill was the best option. Suggestions for later socials included a special event at Marshdale to attract new players to like playing there, with a possible clinic for members who generally did not play outside. Also, a grand opening party or tournament should be planned for the repainted Marshdale court in August.

5) EPRD bond issue task force – Director Darnell updated the board on the task force’s attempt to define the best approach for the upcoming general election in November regarding a potential bond issue and mill levy increase to support new and improved EPRD capital improvements.

Many of the task force representatives are coaches or recreation managers, and almost all are advocates of specific program facilities. EPRD staff has prepared 17 options for the task force to pick and choose from for EPRD’s survey in the next few months of resident households. After the survey results are tabulated, the task force will recommend to the EPRD board what to put on the ballot (if anything). These options range from a new Buchanan gym (a priority for EPC to alleviate winter play congestion), new stand-alone indoor field house and new aquatic center (for more than $20m each), and other smaller improvement ideas for fitness and locker rooms at Wulf and Buchanan, and outdoor multi-use pickleball courts at Wulf (probably like the current Marshdale situation) where the sand volleyball court used to be.

Given that half of the EPRD resident population is 50+ years old, it is unlikely that many of the nice-to-have facilities to support youth sports would be attractive to the EPRD voters, and looking back to the EPRD attempt to put a $10m bond issue on the ballot in 2016, EPRD needs to provide some benefit to the southern part of the district, and some tangible improvements to the senior population (such as more fitness classes, pickleball, and an indoor-walking track at the proposed new gym). The sum of the options would have a price tag of more than $50m, which would result in increasing property taxes of all EPRD residents from 165% to 207% for hose with senior exemptions. My opinion is that a large package would fail to get enough support in the survey, and any bond issue ballot question is in jeopardy.

6) Membership Update – Director German indicated that 38 members had renewed so far, but we needed to get the rest of the members to commit to renewal. We may hit 200 members this year, because many of the new players, and those taking EPRD lessons, are playing. But we need to tell the members a better story of what they are getting, since they don’t see all the activities that the Board is taking on their behalf.

Director Taber mentioned that he was trying to draft a brochure for EPC, but needed input on what EPC had given the members for their dues. Suggestions included the 4th court at Wulf, consistent advocacy efforts to pursue the Marshdale pickleball upgrades, special events and clinics, etc., and availability of Wulf court time from 2 days to 7 days now.

It was also suggested that several members asked questions about why they were not being invited to EPC board meetings, or allowed to see the minutes and financial reports. An EPC website was suggested as a communication tool for members as well as new players and seasonal visitors. Director Taber will investigate, and Director German will pursue the dues renewal. If EPC needs to raise additional funds, it will be done after enough information about the Marshdale situation is available, and the user group or court rental ideas from EPRD would probably not go into effect until the 2019 season.

7) Middle School court project – President Buenning reported that he had met with the Evergreen Middle School PTA President, who said that they had about $60,000 that could be invested in improvement of the two tennis courts and adjacent play areas at the school. Some quote for court resurfacing had been obtained, and might fit within their budget. This would potentially allow four pickleball courts to be placed on one of the courts, and available to pickleball community during non-school hours (primarily during summer recess). This would be an alternate to Marshdale for the northern part of the district. The PTA appears to be doing further research, and has not returned recent contact attempts.

8) Logo Presentation – Director Taber made a very informative presentation based on the premise that EPC needs a more professional and recognizable logo for its benefit on brochures and pins. He made the point that a pickle doesn’t relate well to the game, and that images of paddle and unique ball are more representative, but it also needs to relate to Evergreen better. He focused on the concept, rather than the quality of design. The response was enthusiastic, and he requested approval to proceed to contact designers about getting a design that would cost about $200. Vice President Karas offered a motion that EPC should pursue this idea at about that cost, and Director Madden seconded the motion. It was approved by voice vote. Director Taber was directed to pursue this initiative.

9) EPC Bowling Group status – President Buenning reported that the group had done fine for a while at Wild Game in Evergreen, but had recently fallen apart. There were complaints about the quality of the facility compared to traditional lanes, and maybe other options down the hill could be explored.

10) Other Business – Director Darnell mentioned that depending on the direction of the User Group idea with EPRD, EPC may need to revisit the 501C3 Federal filing for non-profit status, as well as the bylaw changes previously drafted but deferred related to more close alignment with IRS rules and Colorado Revised Statutes, as well as filing a budget with the state. This will be considered after a better view of the details of an EPRD agreement are clear.

Attachment – Meeting Agenda email from President Buenning to Board Members dated April 3, 2018

Respectfully submitted
Director Jack Darnell