The Pickle Boat: New Odds & Ends

Fix me!!!

Fix me!!!

The Question Everyone’s Asking: When Will Marshdale Courts be Repaired?
We have it on good authority that EPRD plans to repair Marshdale Courts by mid-June, weather permitting. We’ll have to sit out a day or two during repairs, but the wait will be worth it.

Kathy leads her Ladder group in a sing along with Mick on lead vocals in their rendition of “Proud Mary.”

Kathy leads her Ladder group in a sing along with Mick on lead vocals in their rendition of “Proud Mary.”

What’s with All This Rain?
And we don’t have to tell you that the weather has kept many of us indoors when we’d rather be playing outside. When we get more rain in a spring than Portland and Seattle combined, it tends to limit our outdoor play. Nonetheless, in April and May pickleball players made 535 reservations at Marshdale (tennis players had 17 but who’s counting?). Rain, shmain.

Meanwhile, EMS Opens to Summer Play
With school out for the summer, EMS Courts are open to all players Su, M, W, F, Sa, 8-11 am. Bring your chair and a six-pack. It’s the dive bar of pickleball. We like it that way.

Beginner’s Classes Churning Newbies Out Left and Right
A sign of success for pickleball and EPRD’s Beginner’s Classes are the number of new players coming onto the court. Sarah German was pleased to see many of her graduates competing in the Dinkeroo. She will hold another session for never-evers June 19 & 26 at Marshdale. Get your wannabe dinker to register here.

Ladder Returns to Marshdale
Starting tomorrow Ladder will be at Marshdale every Thursday, 9:30-11 am. If you want to play a friendly, competitive game for players at every level, even newbies, sign up here.

Welcome Back SnowBirds
It’s good to see the faces of so many returning from southern climes. And with the “unmasking” of Evergreen, we’re seeing some faces we’ve never fully seen before. Oh, the joy in a visible smile.


Sunday at Marshdale Was a Zoo - Not in a Good Way


Congratulate the Winners of EPC's Inaugural Dinkeroo