Dinkeroo Registraton Closes Friday

If you’re planning to play in EPC’s Inaugural Dinkeroo Tournament on Wednesday, May 26 at 10 am at Marshdale, get your registration in by this Friday, 5 pm. So far we have 42 players signed up. We need six more.



1. Start and scoring the game is the same. You serve from outside the kitchen line and serve to the opposite side of the opponent’s court.
2. Every ball must bounce in the kitchen before it is hit. You can step into the kitchen to hit the ball, but you must step out with both feet before stepping back into the kitchen to hit the next shot.
3. The kitchen line is in as if it were the base line. The center line is in on serves.
4. Dinkeroo is a game of pace and patience. Almost all points are made on an unforced error as opposed to a "kill" shot. Slamming or hitting your opponent with a drive, even if they’re in the kitchen, is your opponents’ point.
5. Game to 11, win by one.

Watch how the game is played.


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