It’s Dinkeroo time
Registration is open for the fourth annual EPC Dinkeroo Tournament on Thursday, July 11, at 3rd Shot Pickleball in Wheat Ridge. The field is limited to 48 competitors, so sign up now.
Dinkeroo is a fun, friendly yet competitive tournament open to EPC members in all skill levels. Groups of eight will play a dinking round robin.
The Rules for Dinkeroo
1. Start and scoring is the same as a regular game. Serve from outside the kitchen line to the opposite side of the opponent’s court.
2. Every ball must bounce in the kitchen before it is hit. You can go into the kitchen to hit the ball, but you must step out with both feet before stepping back into the kitchen to hit the next shot.
3. The kitchen line is in as if it were the base line. The center line is in on serves.
4. Dinkeroo is a game of pace and patience. Almost all points are made on an unforced error as opposed to a "kill" shot. Slamming or hitting your opponent with a drive, even if they’re in the kitchen, is your opponents’ point.
5. Game to 11, win by one.
Watch how the game is played.
Location 3rd Shot Pickleball, on the west side of Wadsworth Boulevard just south of 38th Avenue in Wheat Ridge
$25 non-refundable registration fee
Register here (Registration closes Saturday, July 6, or when 48 players are registered)
If you haven’t paid your 2024 dues, get your EPC membership before you register for the tournament.
The 2023 Dinkeroo at Marshdale
To comment on the newsletter or share information and photos of interest to Evergreen Pickleball Club members and the larger mountain area pickleball community (who really should consider membership), please call or email Debbie Marshall, editor, 303-886-0593, There are currently 204 EPC members and 758 subscribers to the EPC newsletter.