Register Now for 7th Annual EPC Round Robin Tournament
It’s a working person’s tournament this year. The EPC Round Robin is Saturday, August 12 so no conflict with weekday office hours or school duties.
Individuals, working or retired, in groups of 8, based on skill level, rotate through a set of 7 games, play to 11 win by one. Play starts promptly at 8 am and tends to go for about three hours. Healthy snacks, fruit and water provided.
EPC members can register here. Registration closes August 7.
Larry Flowers (who might be over 70) brought the Geezers Tournament to life.
New! Age 70+ Geezers Tournament Slated for Friday, August 25 at Marshdale
Just to show we’ve still got it, we’re holding a tournament for the 70+ men and women who are still chasing pickleballs around the court. Mark your calendar for Friday, August 25, 8 am at Marshdale.
The Geezers Tournament is a round robin format with groups of 8 by skill level. We'll have two or three groups of 70-79 year olds , plus we hope to fill a group of those 80+! Truly, a tournament for the ages.
Registration opens Sunday, August 6.
Should the Official Rules of Pickleball Apply to Recreational Play?
Have you ever called out a fault by your opponent only to be told “This isn’t a tournament. It’s recreational play. Who cares?”
Stacie at the Pickler takes up this issue in a recent post:
“Oftentimes, in recreational play, you will see players letting some rule violations ‘slide’ from time to time on the pickleball court. For instance, you may turn a ‘blind eye’ to an occasional foot fault that barely crossed the kitchen line or a service fault by a player that has an illegal ‘sidearm serve.’
“Or, should everyone be required to play by the same set of rules?” in all contexts of play?
Stacie goes on, “Rules are meant to apply universally in all contexts of play. In other words, the rules are meant to ‘provide pickleball players with the rules necessary for recreational, social, organized league and tournament play.’ So, the official rules of pickleball are meant to apply even in recreational play and open play.”
Besides, it’s more fun when everyone knows the rules and plays by them.
New! Men’s & Women's Sport-Tek® Performance Shirts Now Available
Made of soft, supple moisture-wicking material. 4” full-color EPC logo imprint on chest. Limited sizes in a dozen colors. Order yours for immediate delivery.