Pick Pickleball: Take the EPRD Community Survey Now

EPRD heard from the pickleball community at each of the Discovery Sessions in January as part of its 2022-2023 Strategic Plan process. As a result, included in the now open EPRD Online Community Survey are a new indoor pickleball facility and a new gym with courts as two potential future projects. It also includes dedicated, resurfaced pickleball courts at Marshdale as a near-term, low-cost choice, among others.

In you’re in EPRD’s district you probably received your postcard invitation last week. The 15-minute survey is your chance to give feedback. In this survey, numbers count. We want all pickleball players to respond to the survey. Be sure to use the unique code on each postcard to take the online survey at EPRDSurvey.org or take your postcard to either Wulf or Buchanan Rec Centers for a paper copy of the survey. If you’re out of district you can take the survey as well.

The window for responses is short - closes in less than two weeks, so get your response in now and let the EPRD board now new indoor pickleball courts are your #1 priority.

45% of Pickleball Players Have Been Playing for a Year or Less

In a recent survey Offers.Bet, an online betting site, asked picklers how long they’ve been playing. More than 4 out of 10 players say they picked it up since the start of 2022 - a matter of months.

Which helps explain why we’re seeing - and meeting - so many new faces on the courts at Wulf. So fun for everyone.


EPRD's Senior Night Disco Thursday, 5:30 - 7 pm at the Lake House


Flash Mob Pickleball at Marshdale, 10 am Thursday