50+ Players Have a Blast at Inaugural Challenge Court & Picnic
Sarah German, EPC Vice President, reports on Thursday’s National Pickleball Month event at Marshdale: “Totally fun day! All the credit for the success of the event goes to Linda Jacobsen, USA Pickleball Ambassador. Her never-ending enthusiasm brings fresh ideas, along with raising the bar high on the fun factor meter.
“I was one of the lucky ones who offered support and was rewarded with a court monitor red and white vest that Linda sewed for me, I added my whistle and I was looking pretty official. Lots of help from Jim Hunsaker, EPC board member, on the challenge court.
“Turnout was great, competition was fierce. Great to see such a high level of competitive play from all the challengers!”
Linda follows up: “What a fun day. Twas a rough start but a grand finish! We had about 50 people, lots of new faces.
“Jane Voorhees won with 4 games. There was a 5 way tie for second: Kolleen Qualls, Marcia Larson, Larry Voorhees, Dawn Baker and Trudy.
“Thanks to Sarah, Jim & Dawn for helping set up. Thanks also to Scott Williams for his fence enhancements and for helping with the temporary nets.”