JCPH Exec Director Urges EPRD Board to Reduce Covid Cases or Risk Closing Facilities

Dr. Mark Johnson, JCPH Exec. Director

Dr. Mark Johnson, JCPH Exec. Director

Hello Fellow Pickleball Players,
I wanted to give you an update regarding an EPRD Board meeting that took place Saturday, July 27th. Dr. Mark Johnson, Executive Director, Jefferson County Public Health was the guest speaker. One of the issues he addressed was the variances Jefferson County has received from the state regarding the number of persons allowed at a facility (business, rec centers, etc.) at any given time. Variances are based on the number of Covid-19 cases, and with the dramatic rise in cases we are in jeopardy of losing these variances. The next two weeks are critical. If the number of Covid cases doesn’t improve, the State of Colorado may tighten variances again.
So, how can we help? The answer is by following county and state guidelines. We need to stay six feet apart, and when we can’t we need to wear masks. I hate to be a nag, but during play today at Marshdale, there wasn’t much in the way of social (physical – let’s call it what it is) distancing and several players asked me to mention it.
We can do better. We need to do better. By doing so, we will keep each other healthy and keep our courts open.
See you on the courts!

Kathy Fasold
USAPA Ambassador, Evergreen Co
(and again, nagging mother hen)


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