Kendall Chase and Her US Olympic Teammates "Knocked Down" by Covid-19

Kendall Chase on Mercer Lake In New Jersey

Kendall Chase on Mercer Lake In New Jersey

Kendall, daughter of Greg and Shauna Chase, and her teammates returned from training in San Diego to their rowing home base in New Jersey, only to be exposed to coronavirus. As The New York Times reports, “Kendall Chase, a rower from Evergreen, Colo., smelled nothing when she took a whiff of a jar of strongly scented eucalyptus essential oils. Chase, 25, had written off a sore throat as a cold because she didn’t have a fever or a cough. But then she came down with a searing headache that lasted for six days. She described feeling congested, ‘like my brain was being destroyed by my sinuses’.” Read the full article here.
Kendall and her teammates are recovering, if slowly, and have taken to working out in single-rower sculls for social distancing.
EPC and our pickleball community wish her a complete recovery and will be watching as she trains for the 2021 Tokyo Olympics.


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