USAPA Asks Ambassadors to Advise Players to NOT Play During This Time


Hello Evergreen Pickleball Players,
Early last week I received an email from USAPA asking Ambassadors to advise players to stop playing pickleball. At the time I felt this was a personal choice for our players to make, and not something I should be advising you.
Last week the courts at Marshdale were open and players out playing Monday through Wednesday, till snow on Thursday ended all that. I was advised by one player that stopped by Marshdale yesterday there was now a lock on the gate. At the time I thought perhaps EPRD wanted to keep anyone with ideas of shoveling snow off the courts. But perhaps it is there to keep players off the courts till it is once again safe to play.
On a personal note: although emails from our website appear to be coming from me, they are now written mostly by Bob Taber. Bob has been a huge help in keeping our website current, adding the great pictures and taking a major load off of my plate. I am still active on our website, and working with the EPC board. I will resume leading Skills and Drills, with Dr Tom’s help, and teaching beginning pickleball classes once we get the thumbs up from EPRD.
Till then, stay safe, and as always…
See you at Pickleball!


This morning I received an email from District Ambassadors for the Mountain Central District of Colorado. They asked that I share the following:
We hope everyone is doing well during this challenging and frightening time. 
Please abide by the USAPA recommendations, as well as Governor Polis's recommendations, that we stay home except for essential visits to the grocery store, doctor's office, or perhaps work. Walking, running, or bike riding outside is okay, as long as we maintain a safe distance from others. Socializing in person, including playing pickleball with others, is not an essential activity.
So, pickleball play with anyone but our significant other is NOT okay. We are not "the boss of you", and we know how tempting it is to play, especially when the weather is conducive. But please, let none of us risk the health of anyone. When we normally play pickleball someone inevitably coughs, sneezes, breathes heavily, wipes their sweat away, touches the ball, their paddle, a tissue, and/or accidentally spits when talking. Even if gloves are worn, the process of taking them off can transfer the virus. It just isn't worth the risk of getting someone sick or possibly exposing them to the virus we may be carrying and don't even know it. 
As Ambassadors, we must set the example. In the Governor's address, he said we all must work together to keep Coloradans safe. If we don't, we all suffer - our health, the health of our friends and family, our economy, the medical system, the providers who are working their hearts out to save lives.
Please don't play, and please lead others in doing the right thing.
Thank you, and wishing you all safety, good health, patience, and courage.

Robin and Jerry Santoro
USAPA District Ambassadors
Mountain Central District


Get Your EPRD Board Election Mail-in Ballot Now


Let's Play Marshdale Monday, Tuesday and Maybe Wednesday