Holiday Schedule at Wulf Changes Things Up; Take the Pickleball Quiz
The next two weeks bring a somewhat revised schedule for pickleball at Wulf. Starting Monday, Dec. 19 we turn over the gym’s east courts to the wee, future pickleball players until 10 am, except Wednesday when we have all four courts throughout the morning.
Thursday has times for all skill levels as Ladder is on holiday through the New Year. Friday and Saturday also gifts time for all skill levels, though times are different that what we’re used to. So be sure to check the Schedule page before you set out on your merry pickleball rounds.
Wulf Gym Schedule Dec. 19 - Jan. 1
Pickleball Quiz: How Well Do You Know the Game?
With the influx of so many new players, and some of the long-time players who should know better, we’re seeing and hearing things that make us want to shout, “Stop that!”
So we put together this little quiz to test your knowledge.
In pickleball, players strike the ball with a:
a. racket
b. racquet
c. paddle
d. bat
e. anything that will get the ball back over the netWhen players hit the ball back and forth over the net, from the serve to the fault ending in a point for one team or the other that’s called a:
a. volley
b. set
c. rally
d. game
e. I don’t know, I’m just trying to remember the scoreTrue or False. When using the volley serve, the ball must be struck below the server’s waist, with the paddle in an upward arc and no part of the paddle can be above the server’s wrist. When using the drop serve, that is letting the ball drop from your hand and bouncing off the floor, none of those rules apply.
True or False. When using the drop serve, the ball can bounce as many times as the server chooses before striking the ball.
True or False. If a serve that goes over the net is touched by either the receiver or the receiver’s partner before bouncing, even if it’s obviously not going to land in the correct half of the court or go out of bounds that’s a fault. Point goes to the serving team.
The correct spelling of this sport is:
a. pickleball
b. pickle ball
c. Pickleball
d. pickle-ball
e. Who cares?! It’s just fun to playThe ball can make contact with a part of your body and, if it goes over the net is a legal hit. Which part?
a. anywhere below the shoulder of your paddle hand
b. anywhere below the elbow of your paddle hand
c. anywhere below the wrist of your paddle hand
d. either hand
e. any part of your body
Answers: 1. c. 2. c. 3. True. 4. True. 5. True. 6. a. 7. c.