Marshdale Open Play and Ladders Reservations Now Online


EPRD is now taking online reservations for open play by skill level and Ladders at Marshdale. No more calling or emailing Krista Emrich to make your reservation.

Open play and Ladders are limited to 16 players. Alternately, a group of four players can rent a court at certain times each day. There is no charge for playing,.

There are only three playable courts at the moment as the playing surface seems to be in its teen years already and is breaking out all over. One court is off limits.

No one who is not actively playing can be inside the fence. No chairs inside either. Face masks and social distancing required.

Next week’s weather appears to be an early tease of summer. Let’s get out there and play.

You can still make Wulf reservations for open play by skill level.


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