Become an EPC Member Now, Enjoy Benefits Through 2021

Currently we have 145 pickleball players who have joined the Evergreen Pickleball Club - a new record enrollment! There are still another 70+ players who have not joined this year. There are many reasons for joining and supporting EPC. Permit me to identify just a few benefits of membership:
1. All Evergreen-area pickleball courts available to players have been developed because of efforts by the EPC Board and its club members. Of particular note is the expansion to four courts at Wulf, the great outdoor courts at Marshdale, and the courts at Evergreen Middle School. Most of those would not be available without the efforts of EPC.
2. Expansion of days and hours of play, especially at Wulf, are a direct result of our contact with EPRD: negotiating increased playing time and preferred hours in the gym.
3. Pickleball's presence on EPRD’s Board of Directors is a direct result of our collective support of candidates by the total membership of EPC. We need their voices to speak on our behalf. Their involvement on the EPRD Board has made a tremendous difference in the pickleball program, especially as interest and number of players continue to grow.
4. Four outdoor courts in North Evergreen on the old tennis courts behind Evergreen Middle School happened only because it was a goal of the EPC Board for 2020. These “renegade” courts have lightened the demand on the courts at Marshdale this summer.
5. Many events are created and organized by EPC Board members, including social outings, tournaments and other activities, which enhance EPC membership. New activities for 2021 are "on the drawing board" such as inter-club play with mountain and foothill clubs. We plan to add new and exciting activities in the future, including tournaments with varied formats from our usual Round Robins.
6. The website - Evergreen Pickieball.Club - is a result of several of our EPC Board members’ untiring efforts. Their hours of work have dramatically improved the pickleball program, e.g., a daily Schedule for play (the most visited page on the site), upcoming events including clinics, tournaments in Colorado and social events, places to play and news stories (more than 40 have been published this year.)  Without EPC there would be NO website.
7. Promoting and growing the sport of pickleball in Evergreen:
- Beginner Instruction, Skills & Drills, Ladders, and Mentors at EPRD were developed and are led by current and former EPC Board members.
- Pickleball in Evergreen High School PE classes enhanced with 35 new Paddletek paddles from EPC member donations, and three new pickleball nets and dozens of balls from a matching grant from USA Pickleball and EPC.
- Introducing 75 new players from members of HIwan Golf Club last weekend on their new courts thanks to EPC member volunteers.
If you currently are not a member, please consider joining now and further the quality of pickleball in the Evergreen/Conifer area. Simply click here to go to the Membership page to sign up. If you join now, we will extend your membership through all of 2021. Sounds like a great opportunity to support pickleball in our area.
Hope to see you soon at an EPC sponsored venue/event.

Al Buenning, President
Evergreen Pickleball Club

Monte Estis and Don Rosenthal, EPRD Board of Directors

Monte Estis and Don Rosenthal, EPRD Board of Directors

Sarah German and Kathy Fasold, former and current USA Pickleball Ambassadors, and EPRD pickleball instructors

Sarah German and Kathy Fasold, former and current USA Pickleball Ambassadors, and EPRD pickleball instructors

New paddles for EHS PE program

New paddles for EHS PE program


Registration Required to Play Indoors at Wulf


What's Up with Indoor Play?