Reminders for Marshdale
For our outdoor players, please remember to sign the sign in sheet at Marshdale if you are covered by Silver Sneakers. The clipboard holding the sheets can be found in the lock box. Code is 5300, line the numbers up on the top. PLEASE DATE THE SHEET, IF ONE SHEET IS FULL START ANOTHER, DATE IT AND NOTE #2. Also PLEASE make sure your name is LEGIBLE.
You might ask, why is this important? This is how EPRD gets paid, and with a good source of income coming from our pickleball players we are more likely to be granted more playing times and at some point more courts. So please just take a couple extra seconds to make sure whoever reads your name can do so easily. Thank you.
We are collecting all kinds of clothing, hats, water bottles that are left on the courts. If you are missing something please check the lock box.
If you are the last to leave, please look around and pick up anything left, ball bags are put away in the lock box, and no trash is left on the court.
Please mark your paddles. If paddles are found please put them in the lock box, If there is a name or initials I can contact the owner if you let me know. Please note the color and paddle brand, such as Paddletek, Gamma, Head, etc. Call or text Sarah 720-560-6576, but only if paddle is marked. I strongly encourage you to identify your paddle, with small marking at base of the paddle head.
Happy to see so many out playing at Marshdale!